i started dust three days ago and have very nearly dumped it a few times already
I may get abuse for this and will probably be repeating what others have said before but.. well.. whats the point of playing a game when i am being killed all the time by people with far better skills and gear..
you dont want new players to get frustrated and stop playing? i don't want to stop playing as i like the EVE related elements.. but it's just pointless.. spawn die spawn die spawn die why bother?

why should i persevere at getting killed constantly by players who i'm never gonna be able to match or compete against..
for example.. day 2 of playing.. i spawn in a Dominance fight with my newbie armour and newbie fitting and newbie gun, and the first thing i run in to is some guy with a rail gun fitted tank... a tank ffs...
how is anyone ever supposed to be able to play and learn and find out whats good for them if they start playing and are constantly slaughtered by players with far more power and experience...
to put it into some context... you wouldn't expect a two-day old EVE newbie player in rookie ship with rookie fitting to go up against a much older one in a fully tanked LVL 5 capable BS would you? so why is it ok for it to happen to Dust players

ypu wouldn't expect that same EVE newbie Pod-Jockey to head straight into null space and expect them to survive and learn to play and enjoy the whole game, so why do it to the Mud-Humpers?
i know that Dust ihasn't got the population really to cope with it but can't there be some sorta "bracketing" thing put in so that players will only be in matches with players who are + or - 20K SP of them? it may make it a bit more even for newer players
apply it only in the Public games, the ones that people just drop in to play... leave corp and FW games alone, you join them knowing it's gonna be hard anyway....
the Ambush match types are totally pointless to me as i just get killed and cost the team clones so i try not to play them...
t i do like Dust and it is sorta fun to play.. i will admit that i get a certain amount of joy when i finally kill someone (usually by fluke or accident) but it's totally dampened by the fact that i get crushed the rest of the time...
i admit i'm not really a brilliant FPS-er (which doesn't help) but a friend who
is a brilliant FPS-er tried this and has said exactly the same as me.
lol sorry, small moan over now
i'm off to die some more

*not giving up... YET*