anaboop wrote:I hate to say it, but its dying off.
Going through the forums just makes it worse, for a player thats thinking of joining or recently joined and comes on the forums, they would be turned off by the sheer amount of crying whinging sooking qqing trolls blah blah, its not healthy.
Yes it has potential but where it stands right now its surely dying off, you will have your loyal players but soon enough they wont have the meat (clones) to fight against but themselves. Deny it all you want but I havent seen an increase in playerbase since ever thats even if the number shown is even real or just something slapped on to make it look good.
Seriously needs to be thought about, or try to rack up as much money for loyal players as u can then leave them to there own demise , try launch into ps4 , cause it doesn't seem like new content is cutting it anymore. You might even ned to take the servers down for hibernation and rework rethink or even ditch the entire thing altogether.
Going from playing at least once a day down to once a week if that, due to staleness will do its toll on people no matter what and it will be impossible to get them back once they have found something better. Hate all you want in this thread it doesnt cover the fact that its happening and tbh im just going to ignore you unless u have something intelligent to say or ideas on how you think it won't happen.
You have tried your best, and do hope im proven wrong it just seems very unlikely you will recover from the rut that has become dust 514 and its as bad as quicksand struggle all you want and it will get worse.
Vets seriously need to think about supporting the new players anyway they can to keep them here instead of stomping them all the time.
Damn wall of text. Tried to keep it PG.
Best of luck to you, ill be floating around(definately not on these miserable forums which I think are contributing to the loss of players) due to the negativity of players
Toodles , if you plan replying make it worthwhile. Otherwise your just adding to my thread that dust is dying from the nogood posters dragging the game into oblivion.
(It is ironic that my post is entirely negative as well and I know this no need to point it out)
GÇ£All that I know most surely about morality and obligations I owe to football.GÇ¥