Soraya Xel
Abandoned Privilege Top Men.
Posted - 2014.04.02 22:13:00 -
[1] - Quote
It's time to clear up a large amount of misconceptions about how PFC has run since it was reorganized. In the past several weeks, the PFC Council passed a variety of resolutions. It's time to share with you the resolutions that were passed that defined our rules. I've taken to organizing them a bit better for easier consumption.
Note that there are some very obvious gaps in this ruleset. Rules not explicitly defined or decided here defaulted to "classic" PFC rules as defined by CHICAGOCUBS.
Also, the financing agreement is included. You'll notice it's not a rental model. It's an escrow model. All of you should probably update your intel documents, and get some better intel people, as I've heard a lot of shoddy intel regarding how PFC is funded that made it pretty clear your sources were bad. ;) With the closure of PFC, the escrow account has also been closed, and hence has been returned to the corps whom were still members in good standing.
This is the sum total of rules, regulations, and procedures voted on and enacted by the Fight Club Council. This does not include any resolutions voted on with regards to removals or placement of specific corps, nor any resolutions which failed to pass.
District Holdings Limitations (Resolutions #2014-001, #2014-004, #2014-008, #2014-009)
1. This resolution dictates that a corp may hold only a single district on PFC.
2. This resolution dictates that a corp may only hold a district on PFC if they are not a landholder outside of PFC.
3. This resolution allows for the Council to make reasonable decisions as to whether a corp is merely an alt corp of another corporation, and treat them as one.
4. This resolution forbids Academy corps to hold a PFC district if their parent corp also is not eligible to hold a PFC district.
5. This resolution allows for the Council to make reasonable decisions at what point of outside landholding a corp is no longer eligible to participate in PFC.
6. This resolution forbids an alliance to hold more than one district per GÇ£time zoneGÇ¥, and defines three time zones, USTZ, EUTZ, and AUTZ, referring to the general GÇ£primeGÇ¥ play time of different regions of the world where the game is popular.
7. A district is exempt from the one-per-timezone limitation on alliance holdings if the team fighting on the district is defended predominantly by members of that same corp, and that corp's members rarely or never participate on other alliance districts in that time zone.
8. This resolution allows for reasonable exceptions for the operation of the enforcement entity.
Ringer Use Limitations (Resolution #2014-007)
1. This resolution forbids the use of non-alliance ringers on PFC.
2. This resolution allows for the Council to decide on the severity of the transgression, and determine whether or not to immediately remove them from PFC.
3. Matches assisted by the enforcement entity for the defense of PFC are exempt from this provision.
Clone Use Limitations (Resolution #2014-005)
1. This resolution dictates that no clones on a PFC district may be used to attack a district outside of PFC.
2. This resolution exempts attacks made with prior mutual agreement between the attacking and defending party.
Council Voting Procedures (Resolutions #2014-002, #2014-006)
1. This resolution sets the voting period for all resolutions, rule changes, and enforcement votes to 72 hours.
2. This resolution dictates that changes to the rules require a two-thirds majority of votes to pass.
3. Corps wishing to abstain or failing to vote within the allotted vote time do not count for or against this percentage.
Defense Funding Procedures (Resolutions #ER2014-004)
1. The PFC Defense and Enforcement Fund reserve will be set at 1 billion ISK and held in escrow by Spero Escrow Services to be establish by contribution divided equally among the current council members 72 hours after passage of this resolution.
2. As enforcement and defense actions draw from the fund each week the ISK needed to return the fund to 1 billion ISK will be tallied up each Friday and be divided up among the council and paid to Spero Escrow Services the following Monday.
3. A PFC member will be considered delinquent after 24 hours of non-payment and will no longer be eligible for PFC Enforcement or Defense support.
4. Settling fees will be set by the enforcement entity and these fees will pass to the PFC Fund.
5. Districts in good standing are allowed sell their districts to a corporation on the waiting list, but must check with the enforcement entity to ensure a background check has been performed and no red flags have been raised by the council. These funds pass to the district owner, but donations to the PFC fund upon departure are welcomed.
6. The enforcement entity is not allowed to draw ISK from the PFC fund for any purpose other than PFC.
7. The enforcement entity will post the status of the PFC Fund total and expenditures each week.
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