Joel II X wrote:Cloaks are fine. Only thing that would make it better is that if getting hurt from weapon damage would make you decloak.
If you get hurt from fall damage, you would shimmer violently for like a second and then go back to normal.
Other than that, they're fine in my opinion (other than the fact that slight movement results in a full shimmer but whatever).
Agreed , also the fact that since flux grenades are suppose to disrupt electrical devices a flux should do the same to the cloak .
If not cause a person to de-cloak , it should at least cause a rapid use of cloaking power ... which in case , causes the timer to speed up and cause the user to de-cloak sooner than normal ... not an immediate de-cloak but causing the circle timer to move faster than normal which causes the user to have to de-cloak sooner .
Either that or an immediate de-cloak and they should take on damage without resistance while taking fire . The cloak should not act as to make the user impervious to weapons fire , since it doesn't make them invulnerable and neither should it .
It's not a shield hardener .
It's time that when new content is introduced that these issues are discussed before time so as not to have some in the community to misuse or corrupt these newly developed tools . This might also cut down on possible bugs and hot-fix times where that energy could be used to solve existing issues . It's nice to have DEV's make post before patch releases but more time is needed to discuss matters that plague the game once the patch is released . I believe more feedback is needed , along with more time to discuss new material and content ... so that these issues can be put to rest instead of being re-occurring problems . This might lead to much more smoother releases with less issues .
Some of these matters should be no brainers and go along with existing content like Flux grenades and their effect on cloaked adversaries , Remote Explosives being used like grenades ... sometimes sliding on surfaces and sometime sticking and leaving no clear user defining implementation of this tool . Does it stick and if so how is it able to slide on certain surfaces ???
We as the members of the community need to speak about these things and not just have our thoughts placed as numerous ideals on a forum page , to not even be considered or even thought about . It's clear in some cases that the powers that be already have an ideal of what they are going to do but let the community voice their views , only to do what they have planned to begin with .. taking no cue's from the suggestions and questions put in place by the community , only to re-visit what the community said and to implement some of the said suggestions because of unseen issues by them but seen by the community .