I've expressed stuff like this before about CCP and their (arguably mold-breaking) game EVE Dust 514. The game is unrelenting, unsympathetic, unforgiving to the player, never pretends to be coddling, and never pretends to be willing to give do-over to banckrupt players, or to give first-aid to mercs feeling the pain of being trampled.
Deliberately producing a "game" that is torture for mind and fingers is umm... "sadistic".

But if a dentist tells me up front that "Baby, this is gonna HURT", instead of saying "you won't feel TOO MUCH disconfort at all", I'm more okay about what's coming. It's why I DO like Dust.
CCP earned my respect because they let us see UP FRONT that they were intentionally going to keep this game a blood-sweat-and gruel GRIND, so we can't say we were fooled, and we always had the choice to bow out of this game for free (...and I remember how many of us got infuriated, threw down their gun yelling "Dude, this is bull*^$@", culled themselves out of our pack, and moved on---unwilling or unable to adapt to Dust's, err...' innovative ' in-play concepts.)
I play Dust with one mantra: "Expect NO charity, no welfare aid, no tuition-assistance, and no ACTUALLY-USEFUL free giveaways from this game. EVER!"

That one, true, sucker-proof TRIPLE SP EVENT we had shortly after the May realease... Celesta, that was a splendid fluke, a genetic freak, a Jovian research reject. It's the only real gimmick-free multi-SP event we ever had, and a mistake like that will never be allowed again in New Eden. That's what I will continue to tell myself when I read each new "player event" advertisement.

This is why the Million Clone Challenge really deserves a merc salute. It is another genetic freak. The only other one we've had since May. It's most amazing and superb trait, is that battlefield players were COLLECTIVELY working together to produce a prize that was going to be given to ALL of us as a POPULATION,... a prize that is not proportioned amongst the highest killboarders, but DUPLICATED to each player regardless of whether she succeeded in annihalating 300 reds, or got slapped down 300 times trying her best to get ONE descent kill.
As PS3 console players, we are still clumsily trying to improve our "social" and "co-op teamwork to win" thing in Dust. But the Million Clone event was so "New Eden" and so "Social" , it was the greatest tribute to the Eve Online atitude of gameplay that we mercs have ever had.
When those surfers compete at Mavericks, the one who wins the money prize usually decides to split the money with all the other contestants in the end as a sign of community-cool. (

But a lot of folks say those surfers smoke weed--that's why they do hippie stuff like sharing prize money... I know better than to belive that---the surfers share cuz they know how to be Cool).
...This event was Rock On Cool, CCP.