I just can't do it any more. DUST 514 is a video game, video games are entertainment and entertainment is supposed to entertain me and help ease the frustrations of day to day life.
Yet...I'm seething with anger, frustration, disillusionment, feelings of entitlement, negativity, pessimism and have generally turned into a d-bag troll here on the forums. I actually haven't played the game for months and have no intention of ever playing it again but I have nothing better to do with my time than to come to this community and harp on about how **** the game is. It's pathetic to do this, I know, but I do it anyway, cause I'm pathetic, unemployed and have way too much time on my hands. Of course it took me awhile to actually quit, I made all those "I'm quitting DUST" threads but always came back because I wasn't man enough to follow through with my attention seeking antics. Those quitting threads made me feel a bit better inside, for awhile.
I guess you could call me a soft c*ck cause I wanted this game to be perfect RIGHT NOW and could't handle spending my time on a game that is a huge @ss work-in-progress. My expectations were unrealistic and I QQed and moaned when CCP couldn't meet my unrealistic expectations. I didn't care that development stalled due to massive internal changes within the company; that's not my problem and I had NO interest in even beginning to consider the internal factors that have led us to where we are today.
No, it hurt my feelings you see because I have nothing else of importance in my life, no job, no girlfriend, no family to support, no other hobbies or other games I enjoy playing outside of DUST so when this POS frustrated and angered me, my WHOLE WORLD LITERALLY CRUMBLED into a million shards of crystalised salty QQ tears.
What's worse is that I was basically enslaved to this game. I was too weak minded to let go of the monetary and time investment I put into it and played it miserably like some kind of chore my mummy demanded I do, like how I have to do the dishes...ugh I ******* hate dishes, life sucks. Yeah I chose to be miserable instead of seeking things out in life that put me in a good mood. I mean, life is finite, I have finite minutes and could in all reality be taken away from this planet at any given time but I didn't care, I chose to harbor all of this negativity, vile, vitriol, acid and hatred inside.
For awhile I had what felt like a moment of clarity; an understanding that the game is troubled, has glaring faults that have gone way too long unaddressed and that CCP has not communicated themselves well at all nor utilised the massive amount of useful feedback from within the community. During this time I realised how completely counter-productive it is to communicate these issues and possible solutions like some d-bag cry baby who is unable to articulate him/herself in a civil and well thought out manner. I put myself in their shoes and asked myself if I would like to spend time in a community that continually berated and belittled me and what I was doing, saying how much it sucked.
But then I snapped out of it. I didn't care if they are humans or not, I didn't care how the **** storm of continual hate affected them, nor that they also have lives outside of making DUST that may have their own problems and difficulties. I had absolutely no empathy nor do I consider how this vile community might affect them.
So yeah, I'm out...errrr...I mean I've been out for months, I just have nothing better to do than come here and justify my decision to leave and if you guys stay here for this POS game then I pity you. LOL