Vell0cet wrote:NomaDz 2K wrote:Cause CCP said they are LaZeR Focused on the PS3, something about the 80+ MILLION PS3 Sold, so Why do we have an Average of 3000-4000 Players CCP?
Then we have the fact that the PS4 Soldout all over the WORLD

That could have brought us at least 2-3 Million Players just cause itz F2P.
And if U think 3000-4000 Players is a Good Average, all I can say is, look at other FPS games online on the PS3/PS4 , one good eample of numbers is 50000+ in BF4 on the PS3 and 60000+ on the PS4 that is an average of 100,000 - 110,000 all together on the PS3/PS4
CLICK here to see the TRUTH and U won't like it if a FAN BOI
Now look at the figures for DUST 514 which is AT LEAST 10x Less as an average compared to BF4 which is a retail game that people paid for
DUST 514 Online Player Count LOL
I rest my case - EPIC FAIL CCP

The epic fail is your reasoning ability. We have a small active playerbase in a FTP game on a platform with a massive install base. There is only one conclusion to draw from this: DUST's gameplay isn't in a good place yet. Bringing it to another platform won't significantly increase the playerbase because most people who try it will delete it and never want to give it a second chance. Adding that 2nd platform will slow down development by at least a factor of 2, and it will make finding and fixing bugs much harder.
Instead, CCP needs to continue to improve the game, finish the core content, resolve performance issues and bugs, make a great NPE, and iron out balancing issues. Once the game is "out of beta," then it makes sense to move to a modern platform. I suspect it will take another 6-9 months, before it will be ready to start porting. When they release on the PS4 (or whatever they go with), the game will be in a decent place, new players won't be scared away, and it may get a new set of reviews along with some marketing. CCP can then sunset the ps3 over time and start to really push the next gen hardware.
You state that the epic fail is my reasoning ability, O'Rly

So therefore you consider more reasonable the way CCP FAILS to Provide? CCP were the ones which you should be questioning being reasonable not me for sure, even if i understand that you're a fan boi and wish to protect this game
Here is a Basic list:
*Lack of Racial Suits
*Lack of Racial Weapons
*Lack of a DECENT Match Making System
*Lack of Regional Server Selection for PC and FW due to THE LACK OF PLAYERS and BAD IMPLEMENTAION IN GENERAL
*Lack of a player market and trade system they would introduce (which was stated by CCP around 2 YEARS AGO)
*Lack of the STABLE 30 Frames Per Second
*Lack of the game being STABLE on the PS3 System, we still have Crashes, Black Screens, Internal Errors, disconnections which are server based etc etc.
The list is very long. Futhermore you basically openly Admit that the game's Core Mechanics/Content are not in place , therefore WE ARE STILL PLAYING A BETA.
You Sir are an Epic fail and can't even defend their fails due to the fact you don't even have a leg to stand on in THEIR /CCP's Defence. NP You can enjoy living the lies and illusions CCP throw @ U it's perfectly normal that you have a BI-ASSED opinion towards your FAVOURITE game , so therefore U TRY(HARD) to defend them, it's perfectly natural for those like you to do so