CCP not only needs to buff shotgun damage + range, they need to lower joystick Deadzone. I run into "super strafers" every odd time, and there is no godforsaken way they're on a controller(They are keyboard strafing). The controllers max aiming sensitivity is just too slow. With the extremely close range needed to kill with a shotgun, once you're that close to an enemy dropsuit, they will move faster than you can aim.
So for example:
Minmatar ADV Logistics Suit
ADV Shotgun
3 X Complex Shield Extenders
Flux Grenade
2 Complex Dampners
CPU bonus module
K2 Nanohive
ADV or Proto Quantum Scanner
Remote Explosive- ADV
All core skills Maxed
-Ok first thing, after someones taken care of deploying uplinks, next up is to scan-
-*SCAN*- Alright, were up against a good corp, so there are some errors in scanning.
-Enemies on radar for 16 or 25 seconds.
-Shotgun aiming is too slow, will probably lose face to face encounters, must flank to have a chance.
-*COUNTER SCAN* Enemy has scanners of their own, but we "SCAN PREVENTED" it.
-Am taking long route to flank behind enemies
- am within flanking distance, Remote Explosives preferred, because aiming is so ******* at the moment.
- Killed a few enemies, enemies now know someone is sneaking around, Duvolle Focused scanners inbound.
- I've been scanned, the Duvolle blows, so I'm only visible for 5 seconds, I move to another position.
-Find a few enemies, shotgun them in the back.
-Keep engaging enemies, am able to kill two more before my cover is blown. All escape routes are no good, face to face is our only option
-it's a 1 on 1 against a Super Kincatted Assault. He strafes like the Flash on crack,, his strafing of course being twice as fast as my aiming speed ( all Sensitivity at 100%) and I die. The end.
All I use are shotguns, heck I came from Battlefield 3 before coming to Dust. I could hold a position down by myself, with my 870 MCS-Slugs, and My TUG's. Crouching doesn't work because I can still hear you. I have very good audio equipment. If you feed the line out from a 7.1 DD Headphone Decoder to a Quality Soundcards "line in", you can boost the "mids", and you can make enemy footsteps very, very loud. But I find sound in Dust not as useful as in other FPS's
Check out some of my videos, I know what I'm talking about, trust me, the aiming for controllers is just stupid slow in DUST.
TheUltimateCrash videos aka Medical Crash