I'm sure I'm not the first one to have pointed this out nor are the suggestions I'm going to make going to be novel. To the point:
Right now I'm sure everyone has noticed the glaring problems with tank spam and the sheer difficulty in killing tanks with anything other than another tank. AV has been nerfed to compensate for... something, while tanks have been redesigned to allow them to have these supposed "windows of opportunity" wherein they can effectively be god mode only for a limited time. That's all well and good, but there's a glaring flaw with this in the current implementation of the game.
I'm strictly speaking in terms of infantry solutions to tanks here, as they should certainly be viable but right now they're a little underwhelming. CCP nerfed AV as it was seemingly too powerful prior to 1.7 (which I agree with). Now it seems the tables have turned. The big flaw with these periods of vulnerability is that there's really no feasible way for infantry to really take advantage of them. By and large arguably the most effective AV weapon right now is the Forge Gun. It still is powerful. It's still very, very effective, but the issue comes into play. The weapon still does considerable damage, but the compounded charge time and damage nerf has made them not powerful enough to destroy a tank in time before they simply drive away. That's the big issue here.
During a tanks downtime all they have to do to survive is just drive away. And there's literally nothing you can do as infantry to stop them from doing so. As an AVer, how are you going to find a way to capitalize on their hardeners being down to take that tank down? You really can't. You just kinda have to have to deal with it. They're going to drive away, wait for their cooldowns, come back, rinse and repeat.
The solution isn't to buff AV damage or nerf tanks, otherwise we'll just end up in this perpetual cycle of "nerf AV!" "Nerf tanks!", etc. We need novel solutions to killing tanks. Jihad Jeeps were one answer but are hardly a real one. What we really need is Webifiers or some similar tool to temporarily immobilize and/or disable a tank for a few seconds. Those few seconds would be crucial to kill a tank while not necessarily being over the top. You would still need to coordinate AV to do damage during the period of immobility for it to work. Teamwork would still be a necessity to taking down tanks, as is common tanker ideology (e.g. "It should take more than one person to kill a tank"

Anyways, that's what I've noticed. It seems the vehicle overhaul took a step in the right direction without giving the opposite side a foundation to counter with. This game seems to have a lot of those. Scanners? Super OP easy to fit infantry tool but no active counter is just another example.