Here's the cold hard truth, if you are not on PFC you do not deserve an answer to ANYTHING, period, get over it. Why do you all care where OUR money goes?
Or are you all just jealous you didn't come up with the idea Kain has put into effect first? I am usually passivebut frankly unless you are on PFC it's none of your fkng business, mind your own...
Sorry in advance for the wall-o-text below, slow Monday

Interesting position to take really.
Example: As a community member, just because I don't cash in welfare food stamps doesn't mean I am not allowed to be concerned, or inquire about the community welfare program. Understand?
Sometimes the best thing you can do is put the shoe on the other foot and look at it from the rest of the communities perspective.
A lot of folks here in this community have been through countless wars, seen top dogs come and go, imposing their will on the Planetary Conquest landscape from get rich quick schemes of policing PFC and taking/selling districts at upwards of 200million a pop... to top corps relentlessly attacking and taking every district a corporation owns... to mid level corps running a muck on PFC killing the experience of new players. We have pretty much seen it all, until this latest scheme of a "protection racket" which was made public knowledge and which is new for most of us. If you didn't want any feedback or resistance from the public, you all should have done better to keep this information confidential.
We are part of the community, PFC is a community driven idea that a lot of us have supported over the past year. Some of us have previously owned districts on PFC and played by the "rules". Some of us were recently booted off the planet by the latest overlord (isn't the first, wont be the last). Some of us are curious about what is going on, not only for our own knowledge.. perhaps someone asking questions is truly interested in getting involved in PFC. Some may be curious as to how much isk you all are feeding NF, one of, if not the most dominating force to ever play this game. ISK is a huge part of this game, and perhaps will have even more importance in the near future when PC gets back into full swing. The ability to attack with clone packs, hire ringers, and fend off a large assault (or even bribe the attackers to switch sides).
Right now MH is all locked up so nothing is happening... as a hypothetical scenario, this money that is being stockpiled COULD be used for other purposes if/when the time comes. Are you that surprised that so many in the community who have been here since beta can see plain as day that this is a huge risk? I think many would agree that nobody should expect NF to sit back in the shadows when PC goes live again and just be the PFC police. Its a statistical probability that they will want to take the fight to the other big dogs like AE and that will require a good amount of isk to fund. Once that task is completed, what is stopping this latest overlord from moving his sights onto the rest of us.... and whats to stop him from using the money currently being stockpiled to fuel a war? What would be the disadvantage of using this stockpile for his own purposes, to **** off a bunch of indy corps who pose zero threat to him?lol Would his potentially "tarnished" reputation really be that big of a deal, or would it be easily forgotten in a month or two?lol this is new eden afterall.
Those are the concerns of the public in a nutshell. Some folks say Kane is a stand up guy and he would never do that. But if you put the shoe on the other foot, not everyone has had dealings either way with this person so some of us may be skeptical at best. Talking about it and bringing up the risks is part of a discussion, it can be assumed that some of these indy corps feeding the giant grapes daily don't know exactly what the repercussions could be once the giant gets too fat.
We have every right to ask questions on a public forum about a community based program. Be careful when you start lashing out at the rest of the community like this, in many cases their bite is much bigger than your bark.