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Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.11 22:35:00 -
[1] - Quote
Jaysyn was walking down the corridor to his quarters when his NeoCom chimed insisting on his attention. It had been a good day, fresh shipment of Ishakone's top of the line gear had arrived from his contacts in the State and he already had a capsuleer pinging him to pick up the transport contract to deliver the goods to one of the OSG Operations stations. Things were moving smoothly as they prepped for some upcoming operations but that was about the only thing going on. On his way up to his pad, Jaysyn stopped at the station bazaar and picked up some of choice produce and a bottle of his favorite brandy.
The NEoCom continued to chirp and vibrate tugging at his thoughts away from the days activities and with a mild flicker of annoyance he tapped his wrist message text snapped in front of him....
"J...check your off net contract offers. I think someone's looking I for you. - Juko"
Hmmm..this might be interesting he thought to himself. He proceeded to his quarters and dropped the bag of expensive fruits and bottle of Black Rise Brandy onto counter sat down at his desk and pulled up the contract hub. Ok, let's see what Juko is keen on he mused as the Other Contracts tab cycled on.
Blood Raiders...that's a bit unexpected. No contract issuer information available - usually a bad sign. Very attractive payout - definitely interesting. Guess I'll get to see where the rabbit hole leads me this time he thought and uploaded his combat specs to the contract hub and got the immediate notification the employer had his preferred clone genotype, weapons, and equipment on hand and no substitutions were needed.
With that, Jaysyn Larrisen, mercenary, adventurer, ex-trouble shooter for Ishakone and later Muriya Mordu, and generally amoral smartass leaned back on his couch, hit the accept button...and died. ..........................................................
...Lights...the crackle and ozone grating in his nose and teeth from an uplink...Jaysyn Larrisen was alive again.
The room snapped into focus and the time slowed and stretched, Jaysyn taking every iota of information in processing in milliseconds with surreal clarity. Mercenaries...dusters...ready to flash into violence with the first hint of a threat...no dropsuits..no weapons. The Man...small, average, disposable...the CONCORD pin on his lapel suddenly appeared big as a dinner plate as his eyes drank in that bit of information.
No dropsuit...a millisecond inventory of his clone born from years of experience told him he was in his modified Caldari Civire genotype combat clone just as his combat specs required but not dropsuit or weapons, just a simple set of grey coveralls.
"This is a bit unusual," he said to the group. With a slight nod of the head to the other Dusters he focused his eyes on he he CONCORD rep and too a step forward taking in every feature of his face like a predator looking at a possible snack. He reached down and picked up on of the data tablets marked BLOOD HUNT.
"Ok, CONCORD...you've got our attention."
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.12 02:44:00 -
[2] - Quote
Blinking away the after effects of the clone jump Jaysyn leaned forward from the CRU cradle and began pulling himself out and stepping into the staging room. The bluish mist of stimulants and clone animation nanites gently jetted across his face and breathed deeply to let the animation accelerants bring his physical functions online faster. The feel of the Caldari Assault drop suit was instantly recognizable
A female clone tech watched Jaysyn step forward and cooly spoke to him, "Sir, your clone bio functions are operating above 97%...any issues with transfer?"
"I'm good to go, right clone, right gear" he asked.
"Your NeoCom is functioning and you'll find your operational load out in the Gamma-338A".
The tech stood very still, with an almost dismissive pose. Jaysyn cocked his head and looked at her closely; couldn't place the genotype by the voice had a slight Amarr tinge to it. With a slight grin he called out "Keep the couch warm for me will you, Empress?" as he walked out the staging room and oriented himself on bay Gamma-338A to start his pre-combat checks.
The instant the Duster was through the doorway the female tech let out a huge breath and 30nearly collapsed from the tension release of fear as she gripped the side of the CRU for support.
"Juko, thanks for the tip. Give me a current data pull on everything Intel has on Blood Raider activity in the last 90 days; sort by system, Coven Leader, and activity level. I'll need it in 30 minutes, ok?" The door to Bay Gamma-338A was coded to his NeoCom and slide open and revealed a small armory and Jaysyn walked in began walking down the racks of weapons.
"Sure, Jays. I had the boys start pulling some of that after I shot you the tipper. You need a team?" the deep voice on the other side of the NeoCom asked.
"No. I've signed on this one as a side project. I'll give you the run down after the deal; if you don't get a proof of life from me in 10 days put a ping out our internals and execute protocol Hegira." Jaysyn was eyeing the racks of weapons and equipment...looking at the inventory sheet and cross checking against the combat specs he uploaded when taking the contract.
"Juko...one more thing. Favor between you and me. You still have some folks looking for Templars back home?" Jaysyn asked.
A moment of quite with the faint hum of the NeoCom carrier wave was the only indicator the line was still connected until Juko's Sebiestor accent cut through the silence, "Jaysyn...yes. I know of...people...that would pay a great sum for information on them. What are you involved with?"
"Just business, Juko. Make sure that capsuleer gets the Ishukone shipment delivered. Talk to you in a few day".
The NeoCom connection cut and Jaysyn pulled up the 6 new contacts listed in his address book. He paused for a second and rolled his neck loosening up the drop suit a bit and pinged the small group with a quick message:
Team - Jaysyn. Combat load as follows: Kaalakiotta Rail Rifle, ASMG, Core Locus grenades. I can carry uplinks, hives, or needles...any preferences? Additionally, I'll be uploading a current intel dump on Blood Raider activity in the last 90 days to all of you within the hour. I'm in Bay Gamma-338A if you need anything.
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.13 04:24:00 -
[3] - Quote
The ready room was quiet, the rustle of metal and ceramics and hum of equipment silent for the first time in a couple hours and Jaysyn Larrisen was satisfied that his tools were ready, time to link up with the team in the hangar.
With one last look at the stacked and sealed tactical cases he tabbed his NeoCom and pinged the logistics techs, "Bay-338A operational load out complete, please move to indicated hangar immediately. Authorization: Larrisen."
The logistics team acknowledged and gave him an ETA to the hangar and with that the tall, rangy merc exited the bay and began heading for the hangar indicated by Steady. The trip wasn't long to start with and his ground eating stride made short work of it. The few personnel he passed in the passageways rarely made eye contact and skirted well away from him.
Arriving at the hangar door he paused for brief moment...he took in a deep breath and exhaled, enjoying the flow of air through his nose and mouth, deep into his lungs, and back out. He would soon have to seal his helmet and he might have hours of days before he could experience this again. His flat black Caldari Assault suit was top of the line and it's like had served him from one side of the galaxy to the other. Effective and efficient but not built for comfort. Luckily he had long ago mastered all the tricks to fitting suit to his clones frame and it fit like glove.
Jaysyn rolled his neck to loosen up and let his mind clear and focus his intellect. Quietly he spoke to himself, almost inaudibly, "Why keep going? Because you haven't do found anything that can stop you yet..except yourself." With that he triggered the door and stepped into the hangar.
He had seen the scene countless times, mercs, soldiers, pirates, whatever...it all looked the same. Several of the team were already on site and prepped in dropsuits. The individual load outs were entering and staging on a pickup platform.
Two of the mercs he had briefly met earlier where exchanging greetings. Hawk-eye and Ermac. He hadn't ever worked with them but that wasn't unusual, pretty common on these type of contracts.
Well..better start seeing who I'm hunting with on this little safari, he thought to himself.
His economical stride from the passageways was gone...his gait was relaxed and smooth as ball bearings on glass as he walked up to the two mercs. This lopsided grin crept back on his face but still never touched his eyes as he approached.
"My name's Jaysyn. Looks like the bands getting ready for the show," he said.
"The data pull on Blood Raider activity is uploaded on your NeoComs. Afraid it doesn't show much more than normal levels of activity. Definitely nothing that we immediately key our interest. I did get tipped to a bit of rumor that Omir Sarikusa has been a bit more active in contacting the cells and covens than normal. Nothing specific, just an uptick of coms chatter".
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.14 01:35:00 -
[4] - Quote
Jaysyn stood quietly observing his fellow hunters and continually gauging and assessing them...habit long ingrained. He was more than passingly familiar with Blood Raiders having hunted them down on previous contracts but the Amarrian Mercs clearly had more specifics and noticeably more emotion involved than he initially anticipated in the contract.
The whole team was professional and obviously competent, but that certainly didn't stop each of the from having eccentricities or quirks - including himself. That said, there certainly better shooters, faster reflexes, and more individually lethal mercs around but there were very few that had tactical mind that gathered, analyzed, and created as lightening fast as his. There were few that were willing to reach his calculated level of ruthlessness either. Jaysyn figured it was about to to start making sure that he was integrating and synchronizing his skills with the others...mostly to make sure he didn't end up a Blood Raider party favor for the next few years.
"Kador, looks like you and Steady have worked together before. I think Heathen's got a point, if we get assets isolated we might not be able to effect an extraction. Any idea about how you fellows want to establish tactical parameters?"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.14 03:45:00 -
[5] - Quote
'Well we certainly didn't come here to lose, Chaplain", replied Jaysysn with a deadpan tone.
The exchange between Denak and Kador was unlike any that he'd witnessed between Mercs and certainly not before what was shaping up to be a pretty tough operation. It was clear there was friendship between the two and for a brief instant he recalled the quiet moments with Juko before he and the big Minmatar would fling their consciousness through the aether into an orbitally delivered CRU.
"Kador, no drama. I just like to check the table before dealing the cards so to speak", he added, his voice more open and with no trace of the mocking tone from a moment earlier.
"Anyway I suspect you're spot on. We'll sort ourselves out once we get a look at the target".
This is either going to be a top shelf level crew or a circus act....or both he thought to himself as he stood in front of the team.
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.14 23:21:00 -
[6] - Quote
The green jump light rapidly blinked in his HUD and Jaysyn saw Jacques leap from the dropship. His fist slammed into the restraints quick release and he took two quick steps and followed his partner in to the sky. Jaysyn quickly steadied himself and saw that he was coming in dangerously close to the infrastructure walls just north of where Jacques was touching down and fired his inertial dampeners.
The TacNet lit up red all over the ground around the green icon indicating Jacques position and he heard the other mercs sharp warning as he was touching down. With a muffled impact and flash the inertial dampeners flared out and Jaysyns dropsuit shields crackled as they activated and he immediately began to sprint for for the small elevated position just south of his partner.
Need to get some high ground and see what we've gotten ourself into he thought.
He could see Jacques had landed right at the edge of large group of human Raiders...didn't appear to be any Dusters among them but their numbers made them lethal. Jaysyn skidded to a halt near the top of the hill overlooking the small training area they had landed in and pulled an uplink form his belt, activated it and tossed it a few meters behind him in concealed area boulders. Without missing a second his rail rifle locked into place in his right shoulder, targeting data flowing through his HUD and he zeroed in on three Blood Raiders in a small group on the far side of the formation that all had com links up and yelling furiously into them while barking orders at the Raiders in the training ground. Their uniforms were more elaborate and they had look of overseers...anything that could alert other forces, rally defenses, or stave off the chaos of the mercs initial assault had to be quickly dealt with.
The crackle of electricity and hum of capacitors in the Caldari rifle lasted only an instant before the stream of magnetically accelerated kinetic penetrators snapped across the training field and pulped the first two Blood Raider cadre members. The rounds were moving at 2.5Km per second and the wound channels they created in the lightly armored humans was horrendous.
The first burst and dealt with two of the Blood Radier officers and the third had scrambled behind a cargo container trying to find the source of the fire. The Raider gritted his teeth and leaned around the container aiming his slug pistol and the last thing his brain registered was a bluish arc of electricity from on top of the hill then the majority of his skull was vaporized by Jaysysn's hypervelocity rounds.
"Jacques - I've clipped the officers. I'll continue to suppress and clear your flanks", Jaysyn called out of the com link. His voice would never have lead one to believe that he was in the middle of a fire fight, he could have been ordering dinner with the same tone.
Switching his aim he began to snap precise bursts into Blood Raider militia trying to take cover and pour fire on Jacques. To the north of the compound he heard a familiar whine and two Blood Raider Saga LAVs pulled around the corner and began baring down on them.
"Jacques - CHECK NORTH...inbound LAVs!"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.15 02:54:00 -
[7] - Quote
The second Blood Raider LAV was masked behind the flames of the first one that Jacques had mauled with his HMG but that didn't stop the missile turret gunner from trying to hammer the two mercs. Jaysyn dropped low and sprinted behind the hill he had been using to pin down the Raiders in the training field to the edge of the paved road that circled the compound and stepped out with his rifle at the ready.
The scene was chaotic in the extreme...the Blood Raiders were still scattered from where they attempted to take cover or go to ground but there were starting to focus on the Dusters, the flames of the LAV, and the second one pumping missile after missile into the walls that Jacques taking cover behind.
Jaysyn zeroed in on the LAV gunner and fired a 6 round burst that nearly tore the head and arm off the Blood Raider.
"Turret down, you're clear, repositioning" he called to his partner.
He spun away and started to run back to his overwatch position when his shields flared brightly and he could feel the staccato impacts of a heavy projectile weapon hammering him. Stumbling he dove behind cover and blink clicked away the flashing whiled warnings on his HUD.
Jaysyn got his legs under him and began picking up speed heading back to crest of the low ridges overlooking the training grounds. He surveyed the area and could see the Raiders staring to open up in all directions with all manner of light weapons...it was clear they didn't know how many Dusters were hitting them and from where.
Better take advantage of this while we can...looks like hammer and anvil time he thought.
"Jacques...these guys are waking up. I'll keep working them from the high ground in the south and you hit 'em head on - we'll keep them in a cross fire!"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.15 05:53:00 -
[8] - Quote
Jaysyn was down on one knee slapping a fresh magazine into his rail rifle and responded, "Acknowledged, I'll keep them busy."
He stepped up and pulled the trigger on the Kaalakiota and started lacing the rounds into the packs of human Blood Raiders keeping killing or wounding a handful but keeping several pinned in place. Jaysyn had to fire in a continual burst, burning through the entire magazine due to the characteristic spool time of the rail tech weapon...they were optimized for long range striking power but not taking on multiple opponents in a single engagement.
The last round cycled through the weapon with a vaguely hollow thump his finger came off the trigger and his hands quickly and efficiently going through the reload as he chanced a look over to Jacques to see if he was back in the fight.
"IMMORTAL BLOOOOOOOD!!!!", screeched a Blood Raider zealot that darted up from behind a low wall of old transport containers that marked the edge of the training field. The raider sailed a Locus grenade right at the feet of Jaysyn and the explosion hit him like a hammer blow, throwing him on his back and stunning him. Luckily his dropsuit auto-senses protected his vision and hearing but his shields were depleted and worse the explosion bit deeply into his armor. It was immediately clear that his legs weren't working very well...this was bad.
Shaking his head to clear it he continued to struggle to his feet when the Blood Raider zealot that launched the contact grenade at him charged over the top of the small rise brandishing a wicked looking flensing knife the length of his forearm and a scrambler pistol. The zealot screamed and flung himself at the injured mercenary and sunk the blade deep into his side.
A flash of pain that was only partially dampened buy the augmetic nanites in his clone body jolted through Jaysyn's body. He smashed a fist into the temple of the human cultist and snapped his Ishukone SMG from it's holster on his leg and ripped burst into the human's back.
Two more Blood Raiders crested the rise and ran into Jaysyn's SMG buzz saw and dropped limp to ground. He limped forward dragging his left leg and mag-locked the SMG to his chest while he primed two Core Locus grenades and threw the grenades into the massing cultists knowing they would create serious casualties.
As the grenades left his hands he collapsed to the ground his body barely able to function. Jaysyn reached to his side and slid the Blood Raider knife out that had still been lodged deep into his frame. He could feel the damage across his muscle and sinew...the lacerations, the burns, and the punctures. He felt the pain...always the pain.
"Jacques...I'll be back at the uplink...i'm ok...its just meat" he said in-between blood wet coughs as his clone body ceased to function.
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.15 19:59:00 -
[9] - Quote
Jaysyn's eyes snapped open and he gasped as the ghost pain from his earlier wounds receded from his newly reborn consciousness. He was back in the orbital CRU and the TacNet map flashed to life and he zeroed in on the uplink he had dropped near Jacques and his position a short while ago.
He swiped the control plate and pulled up a modified load out with nanite injectors in stead of uplinks. The high end Wiyrkomi's were a massive boost of augmetic nanites and limited armor and tech repair ones...he figured they would be needing a fair amount of those before this was all said and done. Once the load out tab chimed affirmative he slapped the uplink connection and the grating electric field swirled around him....
....BOOOM! The scene was chaotic as many battles tended to be... fire, smoke, and weapons flashes in several directions and he could hear serious firefights going on all over the area. Those were of secondary consequence at the moment and he began moving at a sprint towards Jacques's signal and the swarming red enemy icons. Retracing some of his path that allowed him to ambush the LAV crew earlier he stepped out to the road with his rifle at the ready and kept the two LAVs between him the majority of the fighting.
He saw Jacques in close quarters combat with at least two Blood Radiers...the fact that he hadn't crushed both of them yet told him that Jacques was in bad shape. Pulling the rifle up he zoomed in on the Raider desperately trying to find purchase with his long blooding knife in the seams of his partners heavy armor. The hum and crack of the capacitors in the rifle was the signature of the hyper velocity rounds as it struck home from nearly 50m away in an instant tearing through the torso of his partner's attacker. The body fell to ground freeing the big Merc to deal with his other opponent.
Jaysyn vaulted into the drivers seat and slammed the throttle of the still idling LAV forward and bolted the forward. The LAV darted forward and Jaysyn slid the car sideways around the big Caldari merc shielding him from the Raiders fire. Before the vehicle had stopped moving he was leaping out of the Blood Raider LAV and moving towards Jacques.
Jacques seeing that Jaysysn was on the scene surged with forward with all the strength his massive combat clone and heavy frame exoskeleton could muster. The Raider he had pinned with his HMG barrel was desperately clawing at him when Jaysyn slammed the huge Wiyrikomi injector into Jacques armpit and released the full dose of nanites. With out a second thought Jaysyn turned away and began hammering rail rifle rounds into the few Blood Raiders that were still on their feet.
"Jacques, let's GO! We got about 10 more out here and we need to rally on Steady's position ASAP!"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.16 04:19:00 -
[10] - Quote
Where do they find these guys?! Jaysyn wondered to himself as he was sprayed with blood from Jacques kill. I'm working with psychopaths...again. I gotta put this in my contracts from now on; no head cases. Or at least they have to be as good as this guy.
"They're in two positions and we need to take out both to get into the compound. I'll push straight to south wall of the compound take out those three and you hit the guys by the cargo containers near that entry point. Don't mess around be quick, they haven't had a go at us yet so they might be new to the cult. Pick me up right there at the corner with the LAV when you're done."
Jaysyn was about to take off but Jacques was barely registering his words. "HEY! Focus...we gotta move!" he shouted through their team internal com link. and clapped him hard on the his deltoid armor. Without another word Jaysyn began moving a dead run for the compound wall.
He moved in erratic shifts and always moving from one piece of cover to another with the speed and surety that few non-augmented humans could. His targets were clustered near the wall and looking like they were getting ready to move. Jaysyn dropped to a knee and placed his rail rifle on the ground and pulled his SMG and a grenade.
He primed the grenade and let loose a short burst of SMG fire that stung the Raiders and forced them behind the same waist-high container. Perfect he thought with a grin. The primed grenade arced through the air from his throw and landed just on the other side of the container.
WHHU-BOOM! The Core Locus detonated and threw pieces of Blood Raiders everywhere. Scooping up his rifle, Jaysyn stood and moved towards the side of the container and saw one Raider trying to crawl away. That lasted as long as the burst of an SMG.
Jaysyn re-holsterd the SMG and snugged the rail rifle into a low ready position and overwatched his partner as he dealt with the last Raider recruits on the field.
"Heathen - The is Jaysyn. Jacques and I will hit the small sally port next to the CRU you're at and will be approaching in a Blood Raider LAV. Will be there shortly."
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.16 22:15:00 -
[11] - Quote
Damn it! We need to pick up the tempo Jaysyn thought as he immediately bolted back to the LAV to link up with Jacques. He moved straight down the paved road and dead sprint pushing the maxim performance limits of his combat clone and his biotic implants. Speed was safety for the moment and Jaysyn was pouring it on.
Jaysyn could see Jacques lumbering on the road just as he was arriving at the LAV. Without missing a beat Jaysyn vaulted into the drivers seat and reversed the LAV straight back and slammed on the brakes skidding to a stop just in front of his partner.
"Jacques...get on the gun"
"Roger!", Jacques shouted and with surprising agility for heavy dropsuit he kept up into the gunners position manning the missile cannon. "LET'S GO!"
The LAV shot forward and accelerated to it's maximum speed heading west on the paved road around the compound. Jaysyn could have went straight through the compound but he had no idea if they could have fought through to the CRU where the team was rallying so pushed the outer route.
As they were nearly coming in even to the west gate of the compound a large rush of slaves were pouring up the main route brandishing clubs and blades of various lengths. Jaysyn couldn't tell if they were escaping or attacking but there was no way to tell and he could stop at the speeds they were going and he couldn't afford to stop to find out.
Gritting his teeth he yelled to Jacques, "Hang on!".
The LAV plowed into the mass of slaves like a one ton battering ram moving at 80 kilometers per hour. With crystal clarity Jaysyn saw the look of surpass and hate on the face of the woman wearing little more than a grey bloodstained shift and hold a huge cleaver as his front bumper struck her and the felt the thump of her body under the wheels. The LAV was bucking and fishtailing as it plowed through the crowd and Jaysyn fought to keep the vehicle moving straight through.
As Jaysyn exited the crowd he mashed the throttle forward and began picking up speed while Jacques spun around and reaped a fearsome tally on the slave mob with the missile turret before they turned the corner. Now on the north end of the compound Jaysyn could see the sally port entrance to the CRU deck. He could also see a squad of veteran Blood Raiders stacked up and starting to move up the entry ramp. He slid the LAV sideways in a four wheel drift that skidded them to a stop 20 meters short of the ramp.
"HEATHEN - enemy coming in from the sally port! Jacques - hit 'em!"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.19 05:13:00 -
[12] - Quote
Things are definitely picking up. We're in good shape as long as we keep an eye on the clone count...and keep getting lucky.
The ramp up the sally port was slick with viscera and pieces of Blood Raider, Jacques was as good with the LAV turret as as he was his pet HMG. Jaysyn could hear the whine of his partner's rotary cannon before he turned the corner of the sally port and feel the violence of the fight at the CRU like a palpable force. The majority of the team was deeply engaged in the fight to secure the CRU platform but they were definitely hard pressed at this point; Raiders were bearing down from the main concourse and had dominate positions on the second floor overmatching the CRU. If they didn't break out of the position the team might get pinned with no chance of success.
The Raiders on the second floor were hammering away at Heathen and Ermac near the CRU and Jaysyn ducked behind a low wall just forward the CRU and snapped up his Kaalakiota rail rifle and zeroed in on the skull of one of the Raiders and shattered it leaving a thin pink mist hanging in the air. Sliding his aim to the next Raider he delivered a second lethal message. The remaining cultists were taking cover and significantly slowing their fire on the team.
One of the Raiders peeked around the column to look down and find the source of the precise fire. Jaysyn saw the bulk of the mass driver in the man's hands and the reticule of the rail rifle to the center mass of the explosive projectile weapons and squeezed a short burst. The rounds struck the Raider and his weapon smashing through the metal and tumbling through the Raider's stomach with wet thumps milliseconds before the explosive rounds in the weapon detonated with a crack. The low order explosion blew the arm and legs of the Raider at about the same instant mind realized he was dead. The blast stunned the remaining two Raider sharpshooters sending them sprawling to the floor.
Glancing to his right he saw the deadly toll his partner had taken on the Raider squad that had tried to attack from the stairwell. The merc had secured the flank of the team but at the cost of his clone. It's just meat, Jacques...just meat thought Jaysyn reflexively has he moved forward to secure the stairwell.
A muzzle flash from the edge of the stairwell registered at the same time as the tell tale electrical arcs spattering from his shields as a scrambler pistol peppered him. Jaysyn surged forward to get out of the firing angle of the partially concealed shooter and slammed his shoulder against the wall with his hands already finding the Core Locus grenade on his belt. In the brief second that Jaysyn had seen the Blood Raider his mind registered the tall frame and distinctive bloody red Caldari style dropsuit...the clear indicators that he was matched against one of the few duster's the Raiders had in the compound.
1...2...3...and catch! he counted himself just before flipping the grenade down the stairwell. The small cylinder exploded a foot above the Blood Raider duster overwhelming his shields and critically wounding his clone. As the Raider slumped heavily against the wall, his precious nanite laced blood nearly gone and his vision fading...the familiar pull of his consciousness beginning. He saw Jaysyn step into the doorway with an SMG in one hand target locked onto his mangled faceplate.
"I will...own..you...mercenary. You will be my blood slave..." he growled between blood red coughs that stained the marble pale skin of the exposed face of the Blood Raider.
'Really? I don't think you can afford the upkeep," he said with a cold grin and ripped a six round burst into the Blood Raider clone sending his twisted consciousness back to wherever his next waiting clone was.
"Team - Jaysyn. I've got the stairwell locked down. Which way we pushing?"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.21 05:30:00 -
[13] - Quote
Jaysyn moved up the metal stairwell with his rail rifle at the ready searching for targets. With smooth economical steps he crested the second floor and his gaze swept down the long open hallway and catwalk bridges seeing the familiar yet twisted picture of the Gallente facility.
The Gallente research facility was a standard construction template used for science labs, R&D areas, and occasionally dual hatted as a medical facility. The changes the Blood Raiders had effected were not always subtle but had an odd formality. Glancing to to his right there was as large, and surprisingly well done, painting of Blood Raiders receiving their cups of blood from rows of bound victims in some depiction of a Blood Raider ceremony of some sort.
Was was just the twisted art or images dotted here and there. Many of the light structures had were giving off a liquid red glow instead of their normal harsh white light. As Jaysyn eased out into the hallway he could see a body impaled on a long shaft and the victim tied in some sort of penitent pose. He couldn't guess what the man had done to deserve that but he figured that he was better dead than still alive in this place.
The crack of weapons fire drew him back to the here and now and Jaysyn stepped up to the edge of the first bridge that crossed to the center platform of the research facility. He could see the few remaining Raiders still trading shots with his team. Taking quick aim he charged his rail rifle and hammered one of the exposed Raiders and he held the trigger back sweeping the muzzle back and forth across the concealed Raiders positions.
As the rifle snapped empty he dropped to a knee and his hands flew threw the reload process. The handful of Raiders bolted up and began to run trying to get out the cross fire. They were moving beyond his line of sight rapidly...but Jaysyn's line of sight wasn't limited to just his own vision.
"Team - Jaysyn. Raiders escaping to the north on the 2nd floor. Hawkeye, Ermac you've go the targets!"
Moving swiftly down the hall he got into a position where he could survey the chaos being brought throughout the entire compound. He could hear the HAV battle going on outside, see the growing number of bodies flung to the ground, the surreal Blood Raider iconography highlighted by the red glow of lights. This is one I won't be forgetting soon he thought.
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.02.27 04:49:00 -
[14] - Quote
The Blood Raider dropship was near eye level with Jaysyn when Jacuqes forge gun hammered the craft from the sky. The Raiders that had tried to deploy form the vehicle were flung to the ground and it looked like a a few of them were trying to get to their feet or crawl to safety. Raising his rail rifle Jaysyn drew a bead on one of the Raiders that had just got to his feet and looked like he was able to fight, with a smooth inhale/exhale he squeezed the trigger and pulps the Raider's chest with a burst from the hard hitting weapon.
"Team - Jaysyn. The Raiders are pretty well hammered right now. There are going to be some pockets of them we'll need to dig out but we need to sweep for any surviving civilians and we probably want to get moving in case they've got a counter attack force spinning up."
Moving across the one of the bridges to the central platform Jaysyn could see the baroque decorations inducing place of ceremonial significance. The Caldari merc's boots tracked through the large pools of Raider blood and viscera on the central platform. Glancing down he could see most of the team beginning to push out an explore the complex. He reached a door with an ornate series of what looked like Amarrian scriptures but something was inexplicably just...wrong...about them. Jaysyn couldn't read the words but they gave him a eerie feeling.
Jaysyn maglocked his rail rifle to his back and pulled his Ishukone SMG out of its holster and keyed the door entry. The light was a soft and mixture of white lamps around the edges of the room but with a red spot light that highlighted centrally located alter. Sliding through the door the merc immediately moved to the corner of the room clearing the dead space of the room and searching for threats.
The small chapel was empty and for the most part fairly spartan save for the alter. Moving up the alter he could tell it was a medical table that had been repurposed into something twisted...a device that brought death not life. It was pretty obvious the table saw frequent use from the semi-congeled blood dotting the table and floor around it. He noticed the thick leather straps on the table and it was pretty clear that not all "converts" the cult were willing.
Satisfied the chapel was clear he moved back into the open area of the platform and began moving towards the central stairwell to make his way down to where the rest of the team was.
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.03.09 09:41:00 -
[15] - Quote
Battles, engagements, operations, fights...whatever you want to call them there is always chaos and this off the books action was no different. The merc team was extremely effective based on their individual capabilities and that had carried the fight so far. Things were changing rapidly with the counter attack inbound. The mercs would need to fight as a single entity and mesh with each other on the fly to achieve success.
Jaysyn was moving away from the direct approach of the enemy and trying to get into his customary position to provide overwatch and flank support. He could hear the combat chatter...he didn't understand what was happening with Steady but something was wracking him and punishing him from the sounds coming over the coms.
He had cleared out of the Blood Raider facility in short order working his way quickly to the edge of the complex and saw his TacNet HUD pinging friendly and threat positions. Seeing a lot more red on the board...we better link back up and maximize our firepower he thought.
"Team - Jaysyn. I'm clear of the compound - I'm moving to link up Jacques and rally to Kador's position"
The merc was moving a ground eating clip and just crested over a small rise when he heard his partner calling out the Thale's gunner and saw Jacques flung down by an invisible force. The pink mist still hanging in the are told him all he needed to know. It's just meat, Jacques.
Sliding down and moving in a broken line he came to within a dozen meters of the Jacques body just as the nanites began to devour the biomass.
"Kador - Jaysyn. Nearing your position...Thales gunner still active...Jacques is terminated, no pickup possible."
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.03.14 06:45:00 -
[16] - Quote
Jaysyn saw Heathen and Jacques hammer the Raiders down as he sprinted onto the scene. Things were building, the innate feel a veteran has was tingling and telling him that the make or break point of the fight was at hand.
"Jacques - Jaysyn, moving up on your left flank!"
Jaysyn pulled even to the big merc and kept even with him ensure there spread about 20 meters apart to let them both take maximum advantage of their skills and protect from splash weapons. The were moving fast but controlled pace governed by Jacques massive Sentinel model drop suit. Jaysyn could see Denak and Kador's position as the closed in...Kador's tank looked like it was a crushed piece of art that was scorched and smoking - the damage it could take was amazing.
He kept his eyes scanning and continually monitored his partner making sure the knew where his position was at all times. His rail rifle could hammer targets at range with relentless accuracy and as the enemy closed the gap there was not much that Jacques HMG wouldn't shred...they were a formidable pair and with Heathen pushing just a head they would be able to react and counter nearly anything the Raiders threw at them.
"Denak - Jaysyn, We're coming up to your position now. You and Kador ok?"
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero

Jaysyn Larrisen
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2014.03.20 07:54:00 -
[17] - Quote
"Acknowledged, Jacques. Looks like Denak and Kador are in trouble and I can't raise them on coms. Moving to their location now."
New players had been introduced into the equation and Jaysyn was rapidly calculating the numerous possible outcomes, many not too good for the team, as he picked up the pace. He could see Kador was struggling, probably suffering form dumpshock with his HAV destroyed. Denak was picking himself up and trying to orient on his comrade but was looking fairly worse for the wear.
The team was more stretched than he was comfortable with and if things went south with the CONCORD strike force it would be very tough to survive. Jaysyn had no illusions that if CONCORD so desired his mind would be isolated and destroyed by the CONCORD clone techs and not sheathed into a new clone if he was brought down. Fortunately the CONCORD troops seemed to be there to support the operation...for now.
Jaysyn had crossed the relatively open ground to the edge of True's twisted tank hull when the first burst hammered into his shields. The kinetic stabilizers couldn't buffer all the impact and he stumbled into the side of the hull. He began scrambling for cover when the second burst from his right flank blanked his shields and cut into his armor. This time he heard the distinctive brrrrrp! of a combat rifle burst.
"Denak, True - Jaysyn."
"Denak, True - this is Jaysyn...negative coms with you. Guristas on your six, I'll deal with them and continue to move to you"
A quick scan of his TacNet HUD gave him relative position of his teammates and had pinged three red icons just out of his line of sight about 30 meters away. Looked like they were starting to move his way so he better get ready to say hello. Jaysyn had long learned the advantages of seeing and being seen. His dropsuits were routinely upgraded with modules of increase his situational awareness and more importantly lower his scan profile. He had also taken the measure of significantly augmenting his clone with neural mapped skills to help him lower his detectability to its maximum potential. He was able to ghost like true scout but his Assault kit was very low profile. This had saved him on several occasions and he intended to make good use of the advantage now.
Jaysyn could feel the shield recharger humming as it replenished his shields while he was quickly moving around the backside off the destroyed tank hull. Crouching down he focused on the TacNet display and saw the first Gurista icon easing around the corner. Jaysyn held perfectly still and could see the Gurista come into view. The Pirate was a Duster and kitted out in a grey and yellow Gallente logi suit and had just made Serious Mistake #1...he kept moving towards Denak and True's direction of travel assuming Jaysyn had followed his comrades.
A slight grin crept onto his face as the Gurista Logi made Serious Mistake #2...he signaled all clear to his two partners and kept moving. The other two pilots jogged into view, ducks in row after the logi. Both of them Dusters but kitted in simple milita gear. The last pirate was carrying a high end Minmatar combat rifle. Ok, Combat Rifle, you get the hard goodbye first for hitting me with that thing and because you we're too dumb to check the back of this tank out.
Jaysyn stood up and quitely flowed around the backside of the tank hull doubling back behind the three pirates. They had pulled up to the edge of the wall near an intersection and were pausing to checks the street. All of them looking forward, none of them checking the flanks or rear.
This must be why you couldn't find merc jobs with anyone else but pirates he thought. Jaysyn smoothly raised his rail rifle and kept it locked onto the combat rifle merc as his other hand reached down to his belt and pulled out his last Core Locus grenade. In a single smooth motion his gloved thumb primed the grenade and he skipped the grenade toward the three Guristas clumped together while dropping to a crouch and zeroing his aim in.
CRACK! The Core Locus explode and disassembled two of the pirates instantly. Combat Rifle was knocked off his feet and punctured in numerous places but he shrapnel. He had been partially shielded form the blast by by the now terminated pirate in the logi suit and was trying to get to his feet as his helmet snapped left and right looking the source of the attack. Jaysyn's reticule flicked red as Combat Rifle centered in his sight picture and he hammered him back to the ground with a sustained burst from the rail.
"Denak, True - Jaysyn. Threat on your six is down. I've got you on the TacNet, enroute now."
"Endless money forms the sinews of War." - Cicero