Reav Hannari
Red Rock Outriders
Posted - 2014.02.03 17:37:00 -
[1] - Quote
The rookie clones gather around the CRU where Reav "Papa" Hannari is standing. A vacc-sealed container with an "Eram Highlander Whisky" label is at his feet.
"Come closer my little nublets. It's time for another CRU-side chat. Today's topic is 'The Crutch.' Can anybody define it for me?"
The second rookie from the left steps forward, "Yeah, it's when some scrub needs tech in order to be competitive. Like, when those Gal assaults fit as many damage amplifiers as possible to their suits. Only losers need them to win."
"Squad, I'd like to introduce you to my clan-mate Lieutenant Jehati Hannari. She'll be assisting me in today's chat. Jehati?"
A dark form steps from the shadows, startling the rookies. There is a brief flash as a Nova Knife seems to appear from nowhere, is activated, and the glowing blade is plunged into second rookie from the left's back. With a brief grunt the rookie collapses to the ground and the self-destruct sequence begins to dissolve his remains.
"Let's give him a moment to rejoin us."
The young clones wait as the CRU hums and cycles. The door opens and second from the left rejoins the squad. He seems rather anxious with the lieutenant standing behind him, knife still glowing with the hot plasma.
"Who has a better answer?"
Third from the right shifts his weight, hesitates for a moment and steps forward. The dark shadow of Jehati appears behind him, seemingly teleporting behind the squad.
"Sir, there is no crutch in combat. Choosing to forgo shield or other high power tech in order to focus on weapon damage amplification is a valid tactical decision. Traditionally armor based units have the advantage to fit damage modules without sacrificing their defenses but they are also choosing to give up mobility and stealth."
"Rookie, open the case and take your reward."
Third from the right pops the seal on the case and pulls out a bottle of Eram's finest, admiring the rare liquid, and steps back in line.
"Second from the left. Define 'competitive.'"
Second steps forward, his passive scanner still failing to pick up Papa's assistant.
"Commander, competitive means when two units meet in combat that the outcome will be determined purely by skill."
A moment later the CRU once again, hums, cycles and opens. The recruit retakes his place.
"The recruit was actually correct in his definition. My point is that combat is not competition and it's a lesson I want him to learn. The battle is often won before it has even begun. A warrior may choose to focus their suits on defense, offense, a balance between the two or on something else entirely. Calling someone a "scrub" for using "a crutch" just makes you look like an idiot. I highly recommend that each of you create a variety of suits that emphasize different aspects so that you can adapt as the combat situation evolves."
Papa slowly walks down the line of recruits, inspecting their suits as he continues his speech.
"Some would say the Matari have have the weakest suit designs among the four major governments. It some respects they are correct. However, combat is not simply about damage applied to defenses until the last clone standing. Knowing where your enemy is while denying them the same knowledge, using cover, using superior mobility and using your brains to gain the advantage is also critical. Kill your opponent before they even know they are dead. If you are killed then choose a fit for your next clone that takes advantage of their weaknesses. Combat is about winning and not about competition."
Hannari finishes his inspection and returns to the case of Whisky. He pulls one bottle out and sets it on the dusty ground, seals up the case and grabs the handle. As he walks back towards his dropship his voice is heard over comms for the last time that day.
"Last clone wins the bottle."
// Lance Commander // Matari Logistics / Scout / Pilot // @ReesNoturana