True Adamance wrote:Tiberius 30/1 public ambush Using only Templar gear. Replicate now.
8213 wrote:Yawn....
Been there, got the t-shirt...
True Adamance wrote: You are no Tiberius mate.....
8213 wrote:Get off his d*ck...
1. He runs 0.5 seconds ahead of most players.
2. He never runs solo.
3. His core skills make those BPOs very, very effective.
4. If you think using an SCR and getting 30 kills is an accomplishment, stick with your rail rifle...
5. I know damn well how good he is and isn't. I was in that corp remind you
6. Truthfully, he's just a KD padder like most of 0.H... soon as they get pressure in a match, they freeze up and don't want to get aggressive, they just want to sit back and protect their KDs so they can lose as good looking as possible, and ***** at their teamates that actually tried to make a difference but came up short. That's why they got kicked out of PC in the 1st place, and that's why they'll get kicked out again. They don't have that "5th gear"
So...your whole 2 weeks in O.H qualifies as you having been in the corp? Lol @ you, bro. Weren't you just praising us in our corp GD? Did you or did you NOT say something to the effect of "I'm having fun here and it's finally nice to play with competent players for once"? Your opinion of Tib and O.H, while colorful and slightly amusing, is completely off.
Tib plays with a defensive mindset versus my aggressive. He waits for people to come within his optimal and he does a great job of flanking, as he has great situational awareness. He could care less for his KDR, much less want to pad them and neither do I. We take our losses like men. Me and Tib have single-handedly decimated teams and win or lose, we stick it out. We don't send rage mail, as you have a reputation of doing. We let it come to us. Also, lol @ your PC assumption, seeing as you weren't even there during that.
Fact is fact...you have no skill. I recall a match where I dropped 43 on you when you were a part of the Wolves. You had a full squad and you all still lost, with you pulling in a less than stellar 7-3. My point of all this, you ask?
A below average, rage mail sending chump like you has absolutely no say in anything "skill" related.
You fail.
Now, go back to your corner and sit down.
I'm done with you now.