devonus durga wrote:Bethhy wrote:Quote:A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.
There is the mistaken notion, though, that by merely continuing to play or GÇ£learnGÇ¥ the game, one can become a top player. In reality, the GÇ£scrubGÇ¥ has many more mental obstacles to overcome than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. HeGÇÖs lost the game even before deciding which game to play. His problem? He does not play to win.
The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevents him from ever truly competing. These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant.
Yes, its called ethics. By that notion, the us is scrubs, for not nuking everyone. Definition noted, lulled at, and discarded.
Fella, I think you missed a lot of the points I was trying to make. Something you need to understand, there will always be FOTM chasers. As long as this is a competitive game, people will always be looking for the next best thing. A single respec isn't going to flip the whole world upside down. Some will go into the FOTM, yeah. A lot will go right back into what they had. Some will go for something totally new.
I find it foolish to assume that every single person will go into the FOTM to be competitive. It takes all kinds of suits to make a PC match result in a win! We will still need heavies, tanks, logis, slayers, scouts, ect ect ect.
Something else, I really don't think CCP listens as heavily as you think to feedback. Yes they will take in issues player bring up, and then look to find why there might or might not be an issue there. I don't think it has anything to do with player feedback, if anything players are warning of the next FOTM, yet CCP does nothing to change it.
As for respecs, they are needed. This game is becoming stagnant, and needs a little bump.
The EVE comparison, was meant to only compare what it means to PVP combat. Yeah I know you can take a miner out and PVE, but hey, YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON DUST. What you can do is PVP.
And Ethics. You call it Ethics.
You know, the early colonist and soldiers feared the Native Americans (my people). They were big on honor in combat, so standing in clear view of one another was the way to go. No sneaky bullshit, all ethical.
The natives, they used camo, surprise, deceit. They would slit your throat while you slept, never giving you the chance to fight back. The warriors, they fought with honor too. They understood well, that a superior force was only as superior as their tactics.
That is what dust currently is. Play to win.
So by your reasoning, we should identify what is OP, and all together, not spec into it? Are you that DAFT! Ethics has no place in new eden!

Yeah yea, you want pve blah blah blah. Guess what, THIS is what you have. It's not changing anytime soon.