devonus durga
P.L.A.N. B
Posted - 2014.01.22 00:16:00 -
[1] - Quote
Well... its nice to see some of the vets coming out to bat as of late, however it just sucks to see the actual mentality. I expected to be stormed on and called a whiner and care bear, I have less then a month actual playing game time under my belt, but when I see the other vets responses to tier own peers, I see just how bad its gotten.
Perhaps t was a gradual process, as the more sportsman like players slowly drifted away from the game, as I find it hard to beleie the community grew around the current majority populace.
However I also think its a lack of action, we can talk all we like, and noble sentiment is all well and good, it all it takes for evil to triumph is good men to do nothing.
So yes make all the forum posts out want, beg and plead for CCP to take notice and fix things, and maybe they will, maybe they won't, we don't know. Forum posts fix nothing, your actions can, send ultimatums, leave corps that do this. Purposely seek out the purpotraters and make them pay. Kill em in faction warfare, double tap very one you manage to kill, do something
It seems drastic but do nothing fixes nothing. The are no other ways to discourage it. Your taxes support them, your helping themin pcs supports it, your running in the same squad and reviving their protos and repairing them supports it. As long as they can do it with minimka risk they will do it, and if we can't make it risky for them in the match their stomping itself, make em pay in other modes or when their not stomping.
Seriously for vets that have no issue threatening each other, or newberries, it would bloody well be nice to see yours actually do something. Talk is cheap, as they say, and if your going to depend on the game developer who has historicly stalled and prioritized things undeserving of a quick fix, your fools. How many patches before they get to fix it? How many patches before our player base isn't even deserving the continued server fees?
If you truly enjoy this game make it survive, take action when action is needed, organize when organization is needed, and grief your ******* heart out when a person or group is deserving to be briefed. Don't cry to CCP to fix something, that is inherently a player problem. Is it ccps fault matchmaking is broken? Yes. Is its ccps fault that plays and corps deliberately and purposefully abuse this fact, knowing full well its unfair, and continue to do so for no regard of the rest of then player base? No, it is the players fault, and their fault alone for it.
They allowed it, supported it (directly or inderectly, intentionally or not), turned a blind eye to it, and it has become a matter of course at this point. It has become more prominently noticed in 1.7 because even players who could normally handle these type of environments, be it because jier squared or just that good, e being overwhelmed, and BC there are loud mouths like me on the forums now.
I look forward to seeing you re tomorrow, as if you can't support the no proto for a week, your scum.
And I will be taking your name, posting on here, and encourage you to be disowned. Be it by your corp, your friends, your alliance, or just my fellow newberries to target your ass and grind it into the dirt as best our little newberry asses can. Action needs to be taken, hate me, loathe me, laugh at me, say I'm a whiner, do what you want.
And you vets that see our plight, that acknowledge what is going on, htfu and do something about it.
How many players do we needto lose before its fixed? HHe many have we already lost? And how many can we lose before the market needed to support this game is exhausted? 600 new plays a day, but the play base never grows.... that means there are 600 new players that come to this game daily, play it, are burned, and will probably never return to give it another chance, especially with the ps4 out.
Sure wait for CCP to fix it, though will it even be worth fixing for them by the time CCP gets around to it?
Newbiest newberry to ever spawn a 10 page Debate

devonus durga
P.L.A.N. B
Posted - 2014.01.22 05:45:00 -
[2] - Quote
Espartoi wrote:I don't understand why are complains about a broken matchmaking system that in first place it doesn't exist. Just play and if the match is too unbalanced just get out and find another one or don't play ambush.
Your a fool, the issue isn't the people on this forum. We know he issues going into pub and we go in knowing what we will be facing. The issue is that, 1, I enjoy a good balanced ambush more then any other mode, 2. The hundreds of players that join this game and face this each day, and the hundreds of payers who play ambush each day hoping for a match hey can enjoy.
And its not just limited to ambush, the stompers go to come as well. Even skirm Is occasionally stomped. And considering peoples time restraints, ambush is the quickest match we can do.
Newbiest newberry to ever spawn a 10 page Debate