Tebu Gan wrote:Posted this as a reply in another topic, figured I would give it a home of it own though.
Hey, those FOTM users pointed out balance issues with weapons and Mods. They don't hurt the game any more than you hurt the game. They are playing a "game".
And not every single person is this evil player you see(FOTM), demanding respecs. Grow up people.
Maybe after they put a little more RPG in what is currently a FPS, I'll agree that choices do matter. But when you are forced into the same role for a year, doing this same game mode/ maps over and over, you get bored.
In the months before 1.7, I had pretty much stopped playing. Every single match was the same. There was no grand goal to aim for. I had my SP for a given role, and began branching out to another role (a mistake I could not foresee by the way, had I known then what I know now, all my points would be in tanks!).
I mean really, after I max out a given role, I want to use that role to do more than the same **** I do all the time. The point and goal of specializing in a given role, atm, is to simply be stronger and more versatile, but for what. Let's take WoW for example (vanilla WoW). You leveled up to 60 max level, in a given role. If WoW was like dust, then you would keep doing the same thing you did to get to level 60, grind and kill. But the point here you wouldn't be gaining any experience.
You still did grind, but there was a purpose beyond gaining a new level. It was for potions and enchants, weapons and armor. All of which was for beating Rag, then you farm Rag for your best gear. There was a reason to keep going. Not to mention, organizing 40 people was amazing to defeat something. Kinda like dust, it was big on the team aspect.
But in dust, once you max out your given role, what is the point?
I could say PC, but PC is far too small to accommodate everyone out there. But PC is the END GAME. It's like Molten Core. But given most don't do PC or simply can't get into PC, what is the point? The only thing keeping me going is PC, and the respec of my tanking point helped quite a bit.
So what is there to do after you max out your role, oh I know, KEEP LEVELING. But for what, there has to be some tangible goal at the end of the tunnel. For anyone other than a power gamer, reaching the max of your given role will take many months (7 months in myself and at 11 mil SP, not even close lol).
So now reaching a new role after the first is going to take a bit. I HATED leveling in WoW, at least I did after I reached 60. I did the awful grind, but in dust, that is ALL I'm doing. That god awful grind. PC keeps me somewhat interested, but beyond PC, I might only play a one or two Pub matches.
Even the new FW, grind to get gear, but for what? So you can better stomp in your PUBS! I already stomp in pubs, WITHOUT THAT GEAR. Not to mention the fact that I lose money by doing FW.
A respec though, allows you to completely change your role. Gives you something fresh and new to play with. Though you may be doing the same stuff as before, now you are doing so from a fresh new perspective. You don't have to do this same boring grind, until dust's competition comes out (It's coming!).
This game is like freakin CoD, with a skill tree. Some people may like that, but I came into this game expecting a little more than another CoD.
People want respecs, not because they want to go into the next FOTM or any other ridiculous excuse you can come up with.
They want one because they are tired of leveling, to no end.