Roman837 wrote:As you all can see, I am no longer in STB, was there for almost 11 months. Fought in every war, almost every battle. Most of you know me as I have dealt with your corps diplomatically when were at war, and dealt with your corp and leaders within the Alliance. For the most part, I believe I have a pretty decent and honest relationship with most of you.
What I am going to tell you now, will either shock most of you, and confirm your suspicions for the rest. STB Leadership is weak, they are corrupt, and they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Directors steal money from the wallet, they back stab each other..and they talk more trash then most of the trolls on this site. I am about to air out all their dirty laundry.
Ragewardog is now CEO, but does not own the shares of the Corp, Quickgloves does. Rage put in a petition to CCP to get them from Quickgloves because he and most of the other Directors believe quick stole the entire corp wallet and sold it for real money. Why they speculate this is because when Quick came back, he only gave Rage 1billion isk, where Rage believe there was upwards of 30bill. This debate ultimately led to a division in leadership, resulting in Cpl Bloodstone stepping down and leaving, and the other directors believing Sin Mongr was involved.
Marston, was busted stealing over 100mill from the Corp wallet, and eventually confronted, he said he was doing it as a joke, how much more he stole before hand? Who knows, he was made to pay it back and the secret got swept under the table.
When Sin Mongr got burnt out from FCin match after match, he got into an argument with Sax Rage, this lead to Ragewardog removing his directorship and a policy of keeping and eye on Mongr was put into effect, they believed he would AWOX the corp.
Heres a juicy little bit of Info for STB members to remember in any future elections. They are rigged, you send you ballot cast to The ceo..and he tallies the votes. Congrats Kaios, You actually won the last election, but since Ragewardog doesn't like you, he gave it to Judas.
Vyle Cross- Another loyal director of STB, they think you are a spy to another corp, hence why they don't invite you to private chats, Sin Mongr and I are your only supporters in saying you are not one.
To everyone reading this, the warriors of STB are not to blame for any of this. It is their leadership, or lack there of. Since Quickgloves left it has been a down hill spiral, held together by one or 2 leaders, and the huge support of our players.
STB has a policy, that it doesn't pay alliance members in PC if they lose, they also don't believe in paying its own members for losses, yet the ones making that policy are either tankers(full reimbursement) or never show up for PC and just back seat drive.
Over the past few months of being STBS lead FC, this has caused me to have MANY arguments, I believe that solders need to be paid win or lose and usualy ended up paying them out of my own pocket to help ease the burder of the loss.
A little over a week ago, after a heated argument with Sax Rage, the director of decided to step down as head FC and as director. He said he could do a better job, so I called him out and said be my guest. After that I decided to personally message each director I had problems with, and tell them off on their faults. This resulted in them telling me...since im no longer a leader I have no say.
Amazing, for months, I did literally everything organizing this Corp, and I decide to step down for 1 week and you all turn on me? It disgusts me that you people are the ones left in charge of such a great group of soldiers.
To the men and women of STB. YOU ARE STB. Not the "leaders/directors" they work for you. Name one of them, who has come to your help or has taken the time to respond to your emails? To the CEOS and other Directors of PD, who was it you went to for help...or better yet, of the people you went to for help, who was it that answered?
Loyalty is to your Subordinates, it is your job as a leader to call out the other "leaders" when they make mistakes or STEAL from the corp.
STB, I loved being in the corp, but your directors have now removed me after a heated discussion where I told them off. I don't know which corp ill go to, but I encourage you to leave that poisonous environment. There still are a few directors looking out for you, but they are vastly outnumbered by the ones getting rich off your hard work.
Brings on the refuting comments, and bring on the trolls, lucky for me...I have every FB message still saved between leadership members. Call me on it.