Roman, petty lies and deceit will not affect me. You showed your true colors as soon as you began calling me out for doing things ive never done before. Quickgloves and Ragewardog have been with this corp for Five years now and have invested LITERALLY thousands of dollars $$$, in real life currency, into it across several gaming platforms and various different games.
Do you really think, that if I were stealing from the corporation wallet, Either of them would tolerate it? Clearly it is YOU who is out of the loop because me "stealing from corp wallet" was an inside joke amongst the directors for months on end. It was an inside joke because people like you would accuse me of spying and stealing. Which is just a baseless accusation that you've fabricated as "dirt" against me.
This thread is the epitome of manipulating people through lies and deceit. Like ive been telling people in our corp, 90% of everything you've said is complete fabrication. The other 10% is just half truths that you've taken and twisted into complete lies. One example is when you called Ragewardog out for not being online that often. You claimed he was unfit to be CEO because he wasn't playing the game anymore and tried to sway us directors into thinking that you should be CEO. In reality you knew from the get go that Rage was just tied up with work and could only play for a couple hours each day. (which he did faithfully despite those two hours being his only free time), and now that he isn't tied up with work is playing for four or more hours each day. You failed to mention that to us when you tried usurping rage the
first time.
You, despite claiming to have people in your pocket, fail to understand that by just inviting someone to a chat room, and them joining it, does
NOT mean they agree with anything you've said in that chat room.
You, talk about how I was "left out of the loop" and to that I ask, What loop? Those various FB chats I was invited to? The ones that I never joined in on because, idk, I don't go on FB? Or the anti-ragewardog chats you were making? The ones you claimed everyone supported you in, but in reality were just big monologue meetings from you claiming that you were best fit to be CEO.
Anything I missed in those "closed circle meetings" was passed on to me by either Ragewardog, or Sax rage personally. You keep belittling me, calling me out. Myself along with several other people in the corporation.
You tried strong arming your way back into leadership by giving us an ultimatum saying that
A.) we give you director roles back
B.) we remove Sax Rage as a director
C.) we give you FC roles back.
And the ultimatum is that if we didn't give you everything back you would leave corp. And when we tolled you that you could only get primary FC back and would have to wait and work your way back up to get your director roles back you immediately started to belittle myself and sax rage, and immediately started to claim you were going to burn STB to the ground.
All these claims that you feel bad for our members and how were supposedly stealing from them, when in reality, the ONLY thing your upset about, is the fact that you failed to Strong arm your way into CEO. Your sorry that the only people who are supporting you are people who hated us to begin with. Or were na+»ve enough to believe your lies despite our best efforts to tell them the real truth. A far cry from the "20 people" you were going to take with you upon leaving.
To date, not including you, two people have left our corp. One of which didn't even go with you, he went on to join AE which to that I say, Great job Destruction! The fact that you impressed AE enough to have them recruit you impresses me to the point where im actually okay to see you go. Im actually happy for you!

And as for senator, it sucks to see you were swayed by Romans lies, but I hope that by seeing Quickgloves come back you'll reconsider.
Damage control Roman? Damage control? what damage? You've succeeded at literally NOTHING. You've taken two of our 400+ members. Admittedly two of them were very good in PC and im sad they decided to leave us. But the corp isn't going anywhere. STB is not going anywhere.
Now im sure that your going to post an enraged response to this calling me a snake, calling me a liar, saying that im just a kid. Go for it, try your best, because I know for a fact you have nothing truthful to say about me. Your pathetic, and I'm glad to see you go.
And to all of you whom are reading this. I hope that by reading this, along with the other posts people like Quickgloves and Stlcarlos have made will give some light to how false this "man" really is.
Like always, if any of you have any questions or concerns please contact either our CEO, or any of our directors.
I like to sum this whole mess up as
THISAnd I like to sum my personal response to this up as
THISMusic to listen to while reading this post