Protocake JR
Royal Uhlans Amarr Empire
Posted - 2013.12.21 05:17:00 -
[2] - Quote
Rowdy Railgunner wrote:DUST does not suck, it is just not done yet. We are still in a beta, and I feel people forget that because CCP doesn't want you to think that. For every step back CCP has made, there are two steps forward that people don't recognize because they don't look at the big picture. Gameplay has improved solidly since January 27th. While I was a huge fan of closed and open beta, Uprising 1.7 has figured out much of what is broken in the game. There are still a few core gameplay elements that need to be smoothed out, but all in all the game performs much better, until you freeze. new weapons are awesome and a great step to adding more versatility on the battlefield. More powerful HAVs, more powerful DS, more powerful AV. That last part will get me flamed but I feel that AV is actually more useful now because it invokes teamwork and removes the task from one dedicated AV person to multiple. That is the way it should be. The battlefield needs to be a fast moving fluid or it becomes stagnant. That is what 1 proto FG or SL did in 1.0-1.6. It delegated the removal of vehicles to one person of 16 and bred rooftop FGs slaughtering infantry. Now those FGs have actual targets to shoot other than infantry. People will not look at it that way though and I can tell ou that I was only killed maybe once since 1.7 launched by a FG. All in all though if CCP keeps down the path to optimization and the introduction of gear and weapons, I would say that by May 14, 2014 we might actually have a full release game to play that is just as good if not better than the next AAA shooter. I haven't played the new HALO or Destiny yet though so I might be gone as well by then depending on what XBOX and PS4 do to me on those fronts.
Yeah yeah yeah, we all know about Dust's potential. But reviews are not supposed to talk up a game based on what it could be, they analyze what the game is in it's current state. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to mention that future monthly updates can give you a reason to come back if you don't like the current update. However, that does not excuse the terrible game performance of the current update.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that 1.7 is a mediocre patch because it did not fix the most important, fundamental issues that have cursed this game since the beginning. It was a good patch in the sense that it entertained most of the current playerbase, but aiming, shooting, and moving are still subpar.
Aiming doesn't feel right because of the inconsistant framerates. Shooting doesn't feel right because of the wonky hit detection. Moving around the battlefield does not feel right because you are always glitching on the terrain, coming to a complete stop because of a 2 inch curb (cliff), getting caught on a pointless protusion on a wall, and being forced to stand around for 6 (eternity) seconds waiting for enough stamina to regenerate so you can barely jump over a rail or invisible wall on the terrain.
The PC and SL should fit into Sidearm/ Equipment slots so it's accessible and practical to carry one.
AV spam vs V spam