Im a infantry boots on the ground guy...sure its rather annoying to actually put some effort in the game now to suppress tanks but I dont mind it...its a war guys do you not expect to see tanks? I expect to see tanks and dropships which I do now after 1.7 before there was hardly any vehicles out cause they blow up like nothing for a stupid amount of isk ( besides lavs) so everyone got used to COD mode and just ran around and gunned now there is a new element to the warzone and everyone start QQing that its haaarrrrrd. Seriously its not that hard to fit a tank killer miltia tank fit and deal with them, forge gun still works..swarms tear them apart when they have hardners down, even a plasma cannon scares them away at times or some are stupid enough to stand there cause they arent scared of a lolcannon and gets blown up by swarms cause he thought he could take anything.
Adapt to the new element just dont cry and wine that is too hard and ask to pls limit tanks to a certain number to makes it easy again. Its a wide opened map..your not smart enough to realize they will call in tanks? Call in some of yours at the start too. City maps are a bit easier to deal with tanks bunch of choke points to lay down some traps with REs and proxys for the ones that come in while the rest just circle the city like a pack of dogs..easier for us since they have less players fighting in the city
"But but but I dont have REs or proxys..I dont have a forge..dont have a swarms..dont have any kind of av except for maybe av grenades and why call in my own tank? Im not a tanker I shoot people. I shouldn't have to put effort in dealing with vehicles" Fine you stubborn mules continue to get killed by tanks cause you are too stubborn and lazy to try and destroy them cause its haaarrrrd. Use your SP to skill into something against tanks instead FOTM things.
Mostly these mitlita tanks are causing the biggest QQing cause they are spammable....easy solution get rid of miltia hardeners..BAM! You will start to see tanks go down left n right cause they cant protect themselves. Also just limit hardeners to 1 and not that limit 1 per tier limit ...any type of hardener limited to 1. On each side.. not limit to either just shield or armor hardener.


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