Evolution-7 wrote:Phosis Norg wrote:
EVERYBODY in this game knows to move somewhere safe to drop your vehicle. However, some are complete jerks and believe they have to drop it so fast, there is no time to move to a safe location. Besides, why should they, they don't lose anything for dropping it on friendlies.
That needs to change. There needs to be repercussions for careless acts such as this, or dropping uplinks out in the open etc. The careless need to suffer from their inflicted pain, not the other players.
U mad bro? would you like him to spawn it in the enemy redline? Dont blame the guy, its not like he can control where the RDV deploys his tank, idiot,
Hey there, Phosis. And you're not an idiot. (By the way, I think your merc name is uniquely cool. Nice New Eden originality

Calling in an RDV kind of affects your entire team (whether you've decided you're a coop-mind OR a loner in this match).
Calling your vehicle in right at the starter gun, and calling it in when there's bound to be a merc or two scrambling by (under the MCC, near the CRU or Depot, middle of the open walled-fort) are lethal misjudgments only Newberrys in Public Contracts can be forgiven for (they're still learning---lot of learning to do for this game!) The first four seconds of my initial spawn into a PC match STILL involves listen-n-RUN CLEAR nervousness... the sudden spotlight on me, the dust, and then watching the $$$ smooshes of mercs behind me who didn't react quickly enough as I did.

Calling your vehicle in out at a secluded part of the map is something good enemy installation operators and AV are looking for--it gives away the position or activity of any fellow mercs working near you--sometimes it's like lighting your buddies up on bad-guy's radar, and every red HAV makes a beeline over to where your RDV is descending. You get to drive or fly away in your newly delivered vehicle... and as you leave, any blue mercs left back where your delivery site was get massacred.
But by FW matches, the fault (yep, it IS the caller's responsibility) has no excuse anymore. Hitting my pal with a stray rail slug is a learning curve issue, but killing him by accidentally crashing the tank over the latrine...requires too much Advil to forgive.
...But Evolution-7's post has a ring of reality in it: it will be near to impossible to develop a demerit system for RDV flubs without aggravating the problem they're already trying to solve with their Friendly Fire analyzer.
Phosis, there may be no way to get justice for you...