....Well,... er I'm not exactly sure what a "PROFESSIONAL Dropship Pilot" actually IS (

if there was such a thing in real life as a Dropship Pilot, then you'd have some sort of reference to go by). But OK, Agent Overkill... I won't try to pull your leg about that.
Kallas and Agent Overkill, you both have put together a great debate about how to further balance the vehicle module and AV stats in the game, but I'd like to propose this thought to you both:
Agent Overkill, you have used an ADS dropship, and described how easy it is for your fit-out to help you linger in the combat zone much longer than what is intended in CCP's "Waves of Opportunity" concept; hence you believe that CCP's construct for the AV and the vehicle modules should be further tuned to achieve CCP's goal.
I say NO, it doesn't mean that CCP's construct should be improved--and what you did with your DS was NOT easy. You studied the stats using personal initiative to discover an individual fit-out, while many other pilots beg for CCP charity. Your bird is now a unique adaptation, with and strengths on the map that not everyone else in the DS community is going to be able to "clone". ROCK-On!
Kallas, you have used a home-recipe of Hardeners, and orchestrated-timing when activating them, to get around the "Waves of Opportunity" concept; hence you believe that the Hardeners and similar modules should be "weakened" with longer cooldowns in order to better achieve the CCP-intended way modules should be used.
I say NO, it doesn't mean that their intended "Waves" idea should be improved--and you DIDN'T undermine their concept. You used an individually sharp awareness of the module's math, and found you can use it in conjunction with TEMPORAL math, to make a unique strength by "sequencing" the module-use. A substantial chunk of pilots will never be able to keep a picture of that timing in their minds, so their DS will never benefit from that hardener-sequence technique with the same prowess as your DS does. THAT is Cold Beer Time!
Notice in both cases, I don't want to further improve the module construct CCP is creating. I am completely OPPOSED to the "Waves of Opportunity" layout--I don't agree with it at all. (NOOO, CCP, I don't pack this module aboard planning to use it THAT way!). But I'm willing to play ball in their construct, so long as I can still see SOME small room to scheme MY OWN adapted innovation of the modules (even if it's counter to "The CCP Way" to use the modules),...
The reward becomes an individual's vehicle with a UNIQUE value in the game:
(...The corp spokesman says, "I don't know what the hell CELESTA did to get 4913 Armour HP on her DS, but it's the reason we definitely need her on our team--hers is the only ship that can get us all the way to the hack point through all that AV!"...
...And CELESTA says, "That's right, BABY--now let's talk dollars"...

I'm worried that, if CCP's "Waves" arrangement gets more perfect and bulletproof, any room for the individual achievement I just described and both of you displayed, will be squashed.