Skittles McDuckett
Dem Durrty Boyz Renegade Alliance
Posted - 2013.12.17 06:59:00 -
[1] - Quote
We were just minding our own business when we heard a broken transmission come over the radio. This is Scorpion 2-6, OH clones enroute to Planet Durrty District 1, scratch that, Districts 1 and 2, correction, ALL of Plant Durrty has OH clones enroute. We scrambled to our defensive positions. I radioed our allies, AE and ANON. They confirmed that Prof V had attacks launch on almost all of their districts. I turned to JK, and I asked, GÇ£what do we do now?GÇ¥ GÇ£Get good, son,GÇ¥ he replied in an even keeled tone.
I immediately went to the map room and started planning our defense. We had 24 hours before all holy hell started to rain down upon us. We knew what the enemy was planningGǪ OH had attacked the weaker members of our alliance while they sent Pradox to the AE slaughterhouse.
When the attacks started we were surprised to see friendly faces on the other side of the field. GÇ£Zatara, you cheecky bastard!, put your gun down. ItGÇÖs me, Skittles,GÇ¥ I said, bewildered. GÇ£Sorry bro, nothing personal, I gotta feed the little clones at home,GÇ¥ he responded as he pulled out a core locus grenade and started to cook it. GÇ£I like mine medium rare,GÇ¥ I muttered to myself as I tightened my grip on my Douvelle.
I turned to Ari and said, Gǣfly safe, I need my boys up there watching my back.Gǥ Shaker, Kody and Cold charged head first into a hail of gunfire. Seamus started to spin up his HMG and muttered to himself, GǣGet some you sons of bitchesGǪGǥ The rest was a blur. We inflicted lots of casualties, but theyGǪ they inflicted more.
That sharp pain, a flash of light, and then the goo. That damn clone goo, the smell seems to fill your nostrils up until the next trip, the net trip to that smelly goo.
We took heavy losses on the first day. We had to radio for reinforcements. GǣKujo, get your ass down here, we are getting bent over like an Amarr teenager on prom night,Gǥ I shouted into the radio. Kujo and Oscar were blasting techno in the warbarge. They reassured me, Gǣdon't worry man, we are all immortalGǪ We all have to die someday.Gǥ
Kujo and company helped us hold our lines. We faltered on District 3 of planet Durrty. Zatara and his goons laughed as they overran our defenses while stuffing their wallets with ISK. GÇ£Bro, ANON is in big trouble, we have lost all communication with their outposts, I gotta go help them,GÇ¥ Kujo said as he was throwing ammo into the back of his Saga. We waved goodbye to Kujo and friends as they tore off.
We went to the war room. We started to go over what went right and what went wrong with our defense. We changed our strategy up, we had to adapt to this new invading force. That night we cleaned our weapons. GÇ£What the hell private, I said clean you damn weapon, clean it up like a dirty Minmitar cutie that you want to take home to meet your parents!GÇ¥ Darth shouted at newly inked Durrty Boy.
With the revised battle plans in hand we took the field. It was bloody, very bloody, but we sent them to the goo more times than they did tous. We held the districts, by the skin of our teeth, we held those districts. We launched our clones on district 3. GÇ£ItGÇÖs time to make our home our home again,GÇ¥ I shouted into the megaphone as we charged the enemy. The losses were heavy, but we had planet Durrty back.
We had started to get reports from the ANON comms officer that their defenses were being decimated. We heard stories about entire warbarges of clones being incinerated. Revenge, sweet revenge was on our minds.
That night we drank, we drank and we smoked that sweet Gallente herb. I donGÇÖt remember much of that night, but I do remember Mr Coolz trying to kiss a new recruit. It was a crazy night. I donGÇÖt remember falling asleep, but I do remember the headache the next morning. GÇ£Stupid clone,GÇ¥ I thought to myself as I grabbed some aspirin.
That day we went on the offensive. And did we ever. We were routing the forces on multiple districts. GÇ£Remember ANON,GÇ¥ JK shouted as he headshotted Radar. Th OH forces were faltering and their friends were doing even worse. I grinned as I updated the maps. Proficiency V was losing ground, fast.
I got word that Radar, in an attempt to cut his current losses, made a deal with a member of PD and left his buddies out to dry. We struck, we all struck. As radar and his men were reeling backwards, we smiled to ourselves. They werenGÇÖt ready for this type of war. DDB was forged in the fire of PC and was born of defeat. We knew how to bounce back. LetGÇÖs see if Proficiency V can do the same. They couldnGÇÖt. As OH forces continued to fall back and their checks started to bounce, the Prof V leadership met in private. OH was removed from the alliance.
Even though the instigators were removed, we will never forget what they did to ANON. Barely had the barrels of their rifles cooled from the TSOL offensive when Prof V launched their attacks. Prof V, reeling in defeatGǪ I bet they were surprised when they got word of the new offensive. GǣWe do not accept surrenders,Gǥ Kujo spat into my face when I brought forth a transmission I had received from Prof V leadership. Just as well, I thought to myself.
New rounds of attacks were launched. We took the field expecting a fight. It was not a fight. It was the feeble last throes of a corpse as it flailed about before knowing it was dead. I sit in my quarters tonight, going over my equipment. I cannot wait for tomorrow, I heard that OH launched a new round of attacks. I turned on my TV to the newsGǪ Valor Co has been jettisoned from all Prof V warships? My god, they would jettison their own mothers into space if they thought it would save their districtsGǪ GǣComms link degraded,Gǥ I hear the overhead speaker spout as my personal console starts to blink. Damn, I will have to finish this tomorrow.
Skittles McDuckett, DDB director -