Mobius Wyvern wrote:But what should also come back is the bonus to CPU and PG that come from the vehicle Electronics and Engineering skills.
Look at it this way:
I got the chance to play with some dedicated tankers on Friday and Saturday, and even the ones who would normally fit Small Turrets are taking them off because the current fitting stats of vehicles makes it impossible to fit good equipment without doing so.
I mean, to put it into perspective for people who don't use vehicles, a Python Assault Dropship can only fit STD missile turrets if you want to be able to fit other good modules to it. This used to be balanced out by the fact that you still got 5% bonus to CPU for the Electronics skill in addition to a reduction to CPU cost of powergrid upgrades via the Engineering skill, but now with both of those gone you rapidly run out of CPU and have no way to fix the issue because it only has one low slot.
The extremely low cost of vehicles is a nice change from them being prohibitively expensive, but we've officially gone back to the days of the old Closed Beta builds where you could call in Militia tanks for free in unlimited supply.
That may sound extreme, but consider how much LP it takes to get a Federation Madrugar, for example. If you can keep one of those alive through several FW matches, you can easily make enough LP to keep purchasing more, and if you're reasonably competent you're likely to keep said HAV through several matches because of all the other people doing the same.
While I'm at it, why why WHY do the LP HAVs not require any skills trained? That is the single stupidest thing of this entire patch, and the only part that actually pisses me off. Not only are you going to make them as cheap as they are, but offer a cheaper variant available for LP that requires no SP investment? It's madness.
In my opinion, we could fix many issues we have currently by requiring at least some SP investment to use LP store HAVs, increasing the cost of all of them enough to make them less expensive than they were before but not so cheap that they just get spammed, and replace the skill bonuses for the Engineering and Electronics skills, which are now next to useless thanks to the slot layouts of some vehicles.
Tank driver. 10 mil SP in tanks 8 mil into infantry.
I ring for everyone. :D