Zatara Rought wrote:When I joined TP they were nothing. PFBHz had owned them and I convinced my friends to come with me to TP to make it something. And we succeeded.
Good try though bud. HS where you went was where I wanted to fight. I saw them as the strongest.
I never rode, I built TP.

yep we were nothing. ok zatara, seriously all this time I really DID wish you the best, now I can honestly say you aren't even worth my time. To think I actually had a xmas present ordered for you, now I'll find someone else to give it to.
you built **** punk. you were just a piece to the puzzle. Im sure you will claim you are the reason spinner and zdub joined, claim all you want.
TEAM and Bunnies played 1 match.. ever
Bunnies rang for SI early in PC. actually it was our 2nd EVER 16v match.
Bunnies won the match, led the whole time. We made it close at the end but there was never a doubt the victor.
and in that 1 match I learned a pile of things, and we didn't lose another match for quite a while.
Here is yet another example of why you FAIL and are always going to be considered a joke in a competitive community.
TEAM and Eon and most other established clans are far bigger than a single game.
you saying you 'built TP' is the biggest crock of $h1t anyone has ever heard. Saddest thing is, you actually got to experience that some when you went to FFXIV, and SAW a group of TEAM rockin out there too.
All you have managed to build was an ego in an insanely small community, and continue to show that same community you so dearly wish to gain acceptance from, how shallow and just pitiful you really are.
I can enjoy friendly banter and jabs back and forth, but now you staking ANY claim to building Team Players is laughable in all forms. Before I ever let you in, I asked Xero his thoughts, as well as Annie, as they were bunnies and would know better how you would potentially fit in.
Xero said you were an attention-getter and while a decent addition, you are all about FoTM and kiss whoevers @$$that gets you noticed. Sad to say he was right...
Annie said only 1 thing, he didn't really know you, but didn't have anything negative to say. We were getting numbers up to have a crew, and you stopped by at the right time.
I knew I should have just kicked your ass to the curb the very first time we squadded up. When the FIRST words out of your mouth was 'What can Team Players do for me?'
we needed an active player that was a logi, you happened to be in the right place at the right time, cause fiddle couldn't do it all at once.
U even remember when we had to put you in the city squad and fiddle outside cause you were completely incapable of doing your job outside the city? those were your words not mine...
now you are on PS4, and slowly being alienated by the SAME people you talk smack to here... amazing how small the world is huh?
here's a tip, stay on PS4, change your PSN, and for gods sake don't mention you ever played this game, cause with this small community everyone will know your name, and honestly bud, that's not a good thing for you.
At least Broadway has some skill, and most the other dirtbags around here. They will be known for their mouths, sure, but that's something that can be overlooked or at least tolerated because of their skill level.
you only have your mouth.... and hopefully for your sake you don't place too much stock in what people think of you, cause you really are a joke and the topic of so many entertaining conversations.
kinda like going to the comedy club and listening to Eddie Murphy dish out Fat jokes all night... except its about Zatara.
I'd say GG and all that, but honestly you don't even get that out of me any more.
I now feel sorry for any friends that follow you, cause you are now dragging them down as well. might as well be a wanna-be Radar