Shinobi MumyoSakanagare ZaShigurui wrote:A lot of people have ALT's and have made them for numerous reasons .
I have a proposal to have a system that can be implemented to stop the constant asking for a Respec and even some of the bitterness from players who have felt that they have their skill points locked up in area's that they feel provide NO help to their overall game and character .
Why not implement a system where one can " recycle " their character ( if they choose but it's an option ) , at least once a year where , that player would go back to the choice screen that's at the beginning , so they can change their character race ( some would like a change to a race that better suits their individual playing style because some have just chosen a player because of a particular weapon that they use or bonuses that comes with using certain gear ) , change their name ( if they choose so but it's not even a issue for this instance but could be a choice even so ) , keep their current skill point total but can redistribute the skill points in a fashion that would lead to that players overall productivity .
You can call this a respec for those who choose to dummy this ideal down but it actually is a chance to " reconstruct " ( which could be a good name too " Player Reconstruction " ) their current player and shape them into the character of their choosing .
People learn a lot while playing , some items and gear that they have really don't serve their cause anymore , personal player strategies change and this could be a way to keep the community happy and also could help to retain " new player " numbers , in helping them to know that , yes they have made mistakes in the past but that was mostly from not being informed and having experience and now that they have become somewhat stable and established they can fix what seemed to be a problem .
Having the ability to do this once a year would keep this system from being taken advantage of and would lead to players being more " mindful " of their choices and given the current state of affairs , where things can change in an instant and a player has to adapt to said changes , this tool could become helpful in that instance . It could be like the " Biomass " where your player is locked for ten hours ( which ANYONE in their right mind , would NOT have a problem in thinking about the advantages that will come afterwards ) and after that process , said character is then " reconstructed " and the player begins again at the beginning ... but this time they have the skill points from the work that they have toiled to place into that " recycled " player .
This would help a lot a be a welcome to the community and also stop the constant asking for respec's . It could also make this game MORE INTERESTING for newer players as well as the current community . Seeing as how this is a BIG reason why a lot of people make ALT's .
Please people don't make this an issue about ALT's because if you look and think about this ... YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE HELPFUL and by a large margin . Seeing as how when you make an ALT you actually START OVER from scratch , this way would be way more beneficial and would be a true rebirth ... also would STOP all the asking for respec's .
Thank you CCP and I hope that you consider this proposal .