Cosgar wrote:Vell0cet wrote:Cosgar wrote:EternalRMG wrote:Just reduce dmg by 15% to all weapons and leave prof. Alone
That is the only skill that makes low tier weapons powerfuller thsn they normally are without making them op
With this skill, sp gives you an edge over someone witb the same gear as you
Having a passive that flat out adds raw damage widens the SP/skill gap and ruins weapon balance on both end of the meta spectrum. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of certain weapons being only good at proto or X proficiency while others are too good starting at militia.
It rewards specialization. If the skill tree is too flat everyone will spec into everything, and everyone will just run FOTM weapons. I like how the game forces you to commit heavily into suits/weapons/vehicles. Fix TTK by nerfing base DPS of OP weapons. It's not complicated. Also AR needs a little kick and the game should cause gun jam when it detects turbo controllers. Problem solved.
Again, it ruins weapon balance when rebalancing comes into play. Not everyone is going to want to have to put X levels of proficiency in a weapon just for it to be on a competitive level. Also, it kills the risk/reward dynamic of the game. You don't lose anything by having a passive for using a specific weapon like you do when you have to fill a slot with damage mods to get a bonus to your DPS. There's nothing wrong with having a skill that rewards you for specializing, mind you, but it shouldn't be a flat bonus to DPS. Reload speed, heat build up, scope zoom, and other indirect bonuses would make more sense.
I like your comment,but I mostly gave you a like for your signature.

On topic,when I first read the thread title,I was against it,but the more it's argued,I think it actually makes more sense to remove proficiency rather than damage mods.I also support what another poster said about moving damage mods to low slots instead of high slots.
These two changes would be the easiest for CCP to implement and the most beneficial for overall game balance.There's just no reason at this point for this not to happen.
On your thought about not everyone not wanting to put time into putting point into proficiency in order to say competitive,well that's an obvious carrot on a stick(one of many) that CCP has going on.