Fatal Absolution
Posted - 2013.11.23 19:56:00 -
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CCP has gone though the effort to rebalance our current set of vehicles and even provided us with a stat sheet to play spreadsheet games with before we get to drive our new and "improved" vehicles, but there are numerous issues with vehicles that are not addressed part one or two of the vehicle posts.
Note: Almost all of the videos have music. Please mute it if you don't like it. Thanks to The Legend345 and FirehouseHD for the footage.
Shield vs Armor Collision/Terrain Damage Tap a light pole in a shield vehicle. Now do the same in an armor vehicle. Shields take way too much damage from impact. Often times armor tanks can just ram shield tanks and kill them. This should not be and needs to be addressed. notice how the madrugar loses all of its shield at the start of this video after only a short jump, yet it's armor stays intact. For armor tanks it may not be a big deal, but for shield tanks with extremely reduced shields it cuts into their ehp massively. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8pqf_cOdOY Watch the terrain damage as the tank navigates at around 1:45. Those aren't very large jumps, yet the tank can barely keep any shield as it moves though the hills.
Speaking of hills, why can't vehicles (especially those with tracks) climb steep grades without stalling out? It doesn't make sense for a vehicle with almost infinite traction and torque to be sliding down hills. Unless the cover is vertical, tanks should be able o climb it with ease. LAV's suffer from the same problems, but to a higher degree. Even if they have wheels, they should be able to utilize their technology and climb hills. Currently they can barely do this at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3n9jnnY8iY 1:35 for the tank sliding across the hill.
Speed, acceleration, and handling
Armor vehicles have the same listed speeds as shield vehicles. Why is this if shield vehicles are supposed to follow a hit and run plan of attack? Currently, it is still as bad as when the speeds were skewed from the start of uprising. Shield vehicles should be significantly faster than their armor variants. (50%)
Armor vehicles also accelerate more quickly. This leads to better utilization of top end speed, which is skewed towards armor, and furthermore distance traveled. Shields should accelerate like they have nitrous ALL THE TIME. This would allow them to follow the guidelines of hit and run tactics.
Handling is also completely broken. Armor tanks can literally do circles around gunloggis with a skilled pilot. This should be the complete opposite. Controls have also shown a lot of inconsistency at times. Ex. push stick left and tank pivots to the right.
Turret mechanics Dropship turret mechanics are borked badly. The swiveling turret issue will be horrible for gunners trying to hit targets to the front of the DS. This needs to be fixed to allow full coverage of everything the DS pilot can see. NguruthosXI has stated this many times. Tank turrets suffer from adverse angles. let's look at the issue with the shield tank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDFef67d8Hg notice the issue from the :40 mark onward and especially at 1:40 when the enemy tank is at a slight depression. The shield tank's hull does not allow the turret to aim downward, while the armor tank does. The armor tank hull allows for much easier target acquisition in these situations due to it not having these hitbox issues with its hull. Also, Ben Cisco mentioned the turret spaz glitches around cover.
Roadkill Nerf The bug that caused friendlies to get caught in the tracks of tanks, as well as enemies was an asset to tanks. Considering tanks have tracks that are exposed on the front and rear, if an enemy is even as much as touched by these tracks than they should be instakilled by the physics of the tracks. Friendlies should bounce of as they do now. CCP, it is up to you to fix this. There should be no reason for AV rushers to bounce off of enemy vehicles and take no damage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDy8oZDrJD0 Notice how at around 5:55 the tank pins a scout and runs him over
Vehicle Scanners Scanners now take up an immense amount of CPU. This means I will most likely be giving up some tank to fit one. Their vision should be seen by the whole team and there should be an intel kill assist of 5-10 points for each scanned target who is killed during the duration of the scan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDy8oZDrJD0 This tank is running the f-84 active scanner and is getting a lot of intel. WP should be rewarded to some degree.
CRU's Each spawn should be a cut rate of 25 points, just like an uplink. No questions.
Vehicle Entry and Exit First off, we NEED locks. There is simply too much ISK on the line to lose to a blue who has no clue how much time was spent to even call in the ride he just AFK'd in for ten minutes. Second, there should be a hack type action that grants entry/exit to or from a vehicle. This would stop the BS that is that fuels heavies forging in LLAV's, people recalling tanks under fire, and the infamous jump back in the DS while you regen health on a tower full of reds. As far as I am concerned, the pilot and his crew should fight until their death. Bailing out is pretty cheap. For DS pilot's and crew a one time ejection or cool down period would work perfectly. Thread started here https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1493034#post1493034
So about those vehicle locks...

Fatal Absolution
Posted - 2013.11.23 20:00:00 -
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These are the issues that remain untouched from an earlier post I made. CCP needs to clarify what they mean about the terrain damage not being taken. Also, heat dissipation skill without heat syncs, Shield regen mechanics and bumps from terrain, Advanced hulls being in the skill set, and turret friction (I saw no problems with aiming, rather just sh1tty hit detection on blasters and rail splash).
Also, CCP's idea of balance between the two tanks from the angle of speed and maneuverability is GARBAGE. Mine is much better, especially since we now have shield regen mechanics that incule a delay.
So about those vehicle locks...