so we are all familiar with the rendering/draw distance problems, its been a big part of the game and its tactics for 6 months now and over that time ive dedicated quite alot to tracking down information about it and petitioning CCP for an answer as to why its in the game, why its not being fixed, and why nobody at CCP can talk about it.
thats right people at CCP cant actually really talk about the problem without some smoke and mirrors protecting from backlask, and theres a reason for this.
The rendering problems arnt so much a problem, but a FEATURE. for the uprising deployment the higher ups in CCP made a DECISION to sacrafice the ability to see reliably for shinyer graphics in an attempt to lession the visual gap in compairison to current/next gen FPS games.
So CCP poured their resources into making the game as pretty as possable at first glance, in part to compair to other games and in part in an attempt at improving new player retention. due to the reviews dust was getting all referancing its somewhat lackluster graphics at the time this makes sence.
around the time of uprising one of the most notable blue posts before the gag order was a post referancing rendering distance being tied to weapons, and how cutting down the player sight was standard practice in FPS games (you can search this just look for posts in the first month of uprising)
now while that is somewhat true dust doesnt actually use the same system as other FPS games, other games use a fog of war type system that reduces teh clarity of everything on a scale moving outwards fromt eh player, but dusts system just removes player objects after a certain unknown and unmeasurable distance.
Now of course no DEV / Blue or the like is alowed to talk about the subject and as a result we havnt heard a word outside a few footnotes in patch notes that try to fix some very specific rendering related issues (like turrets disapearing when you shoot at them and sniper rifles not being able to see anything in their range of operation)
None of those "fixes" from teh patch notes have actually improved anything however because they fail to adress the actual issue.
The actual issue is rendering CANT be fixed, not anymore, you see when they went about improving the graphics for the game they banked EVERYTHING on it, and now all the art resources, graphics, and a whole lot of core systems are dependant on rendering being broken.
Fixing rendering requires a complete rollback to chromosome for the graphics, rendering all their new pretty art assets useless. wich as far as CCP is concerned is not an option.
so the official stance of CCP on the rendering/draw distance problem is "Working as intended" there are no plans to change the rendering effects/ draw distance settings outside of minor tweeks in the most obvious areas and only when it would effect new player retention.
Untill CCP publicly states otherwise, this is what we have to assume. and since theres a gag order in effect, CCP cant actually state otherwise.
THIS is why i doubt CCP, this is why i dont play much anymore, and this is what will ultimatly kill the game, these kinds of choices will inevitably result in a game full of holes that looks deep on the surface, but cant hold players after they start being effected by the bugs.
TL:DR Working as intended, we replaced it with pretty flowers and now we cant change it back