Outer Raven
Capital Acquisitions LLC Public Disorder.
Posted - 2013.11.15 18:31:00 -
[1] - Quote
We have the deployable installation tab already but I have not heard if or when it will be active. Was this ever a thing (in closed beta) an a post release merc like myself just missed out.
Strategically calling in installations or armaments could set up some much needed defense at an objective, bolster a waning attack. Or maybe just force a murder vehicle to step back for those few precious minutes needed to turn the tide of battle.
How this would work in game
It would be nice if in pub matches you called them in with wp earned via accumulated team points same as the orbital strike. While in FW an PC you would buy from an assortment of armaments, not just installations from the market an soon to be player market (New Corporation Supplies Section).
These battle armaments in PC can be then distributed like clone packs to the specific planet or planets before an attack or defense battle. While in FW squad leader can call in the ones they have bought if any. An similar to the proposed orbital changes, you will be able to call down from your eve pilot all installations an armaments without wp but with a deployment delay in-between each launch.
New Planetary Armament Supply Meta Game
The armaments will have a set limiting number that can be added to all districts. Every district will receive a pseudo power grid attached to them, with that in place similar to how weapons an mods take up different amounts of vehicle an infantry power grid's (CPU/PG). Planetary armaments will vary in the amount of it they use up.
Every planet available for combat will have a total overall supply grid attached to it that gets divided up based on the number districts on said planet. So the more districts owned of that planet by a faction or corp the more supplies that can be called in, either with greater quantity or quality and vice versa if an when districts are lost.
For example if a corp or faction had control of 2 districts on one planet, in a battle involving that specific planet they could only deploy 8 armaments of any worth or up to 14 of lesser value. While on a different planet if they owned 1 they could only deploy maybe 4 of higher an 7 of lesser. But if they owned no districts during an attack they would either not be able to deploy anything or only have 1-2 lesser drops.
In-game an you
And finally to wrap things up, similar to current installations (supply depot's, CRU, AI turrets, etc.) they can be hacked or destroyed. But unlike current on the ground stations or randomly dropped in turrets, once you call in an armament or installation they will be already set for the side or merc that called them in. No hacking will be necessary except for the opposing faction so placement will be key. And if they are destroyed or stay hacked by the enemy by the end of the battle the owner losses that item or items.
All in all with vehicles also needing to resupply ammo with the coming 1.7 update and the proposed FW and PC changes now might be the time to take a serious look at deployables. Dropping things like supply depots at the right time an place could be a game changer.
Feel free to share your thoughts on this matter
Gū¦Gū+ Outer Raven /// Sniper /// Head Hunter Gū+Gū¦