Vulpes Dolosus
SVER True Blood Public Disorder.
Posted - 2013.11.15 03:24:00 -
[1] - Quote
[Original Post, #70]
jThese events are based on a true story. Some details and names have been to protect the innocent.
I had just dropped off my insertion squad on top of the objective roof. There was no sign of the enemy as of yet, but we knew they were coming for us.
"Clear at the rear gate," Ashley radioed in.
"Alright, squad," ordered our squad leader, Tex, "let's move in to th..." *BOOM* "AHHGG, I'M HIT!!!"
Tex was thrown to the wall but the sudden explosion. Simmons and Leo rushed over to help him up and to cover.
"Enemy Incubus spotted!" Ashley's voice said over my headset. "Vulpes can you engage?"
"Way ahead of you," I replied.
Afterburner raging, fists clinching the controls, eyes pealed for the enemy. I spotted him, hovering just south of where we landed, popping of shots like a kid with a new cap gun. Desperate to protect my team, I turn about and brush in front of his nose to draw his fire on myself. I hit, he hit, I turn skyward and he follows.
"Here we go." I said with a smirk.
I climb to a safe hight to ensure it's just me and him. Mono a mono. I swerve back and forth to throw off his targeting, watching missiles fly by my field of view. The ship shudders and lurches clockwise as my starboard thruster takes a direct hit.
"Hold on, girl. Just a bit more."
Leveling out, I about and activate my afterburners, launching head-first straight at the enemy craft.
"Let's see how you like it!" I yelled, mashing the trigger and sending a swarm of missiles from my forward turret.
*POW POW POW* The missiles smashed into his armour like hail onto a hovercar. Meters before collision he rolls my left in to a dive, I barrel roll right, right behind him.
Is which to manual targeting; this needed precision. *Pow* Hit *Pow* Hit. One after another as he turned, rose, looped, stopped and started, anything to get me off his tail. But I was on him worse than a Slavehound on a Matari runaway.
I assumed by this time his armour repair had switched off because he entered into true panic mode. He flew straight up in a attempt to get above my turret and then went straight into a dive, accelerating to a breakneck speed. Gladly, I followed.
I assumed he was headed for the additional cover of his MCC, and I was not about to let this coward get away. Flooring my thrusters, afterburner blazing, and turret locked on, I unleash everything I had at him. We were already over enemy airspace, a red timer notified of the enemy MCC's turrets locking onto my ship, my scanning equipment estimated the armour level of his ship.
*Hit* [1053] "MCC TARGETING: 00:13.98"
"Come on..."
*Hit* [489] "MCC TARGERING: 00:10.28"
"Come oooon.....!" Smoke was billowing from his thrusters.
*Hit* [0]
"YES!!!" I shouted, watching his flaming hull plummet toward the earth.
"MCC TARGETING: 00:07.82"
I turn hard into my left, punch the afterburner and race back toward friendly airspace.
"MCC TARGETING: 00:05.29"
"MCC TARGETING: 00:03.14"
"Shoot shoot shoot!!"
"MCC TARGETING: 00:01.01"
"YES!" I made it, scott free.
The rest of the mission went off without a hitch. Our team held it's ground and enemy retreated back to the HQ, we'll finish them some other day, for now, we'll celebrate our victory.
"Nice flying out here, Vulpes," Tex said back in our quarters.
"Thanks, you know, not every game goes as well as that for us pilots."
"Yeah? I'm sure, flying those million-ISK glass coffins, I'm sure it sets you back quite a bit."
"Heh, yeah. I just wish there was someway to play a few rounds on the ground without spending too much on gear, of if some kind benefactor would just drop 50 or 100mil in my account overnight.. Ah well, maybe someday."
"Yeah, but don't get your hopes up. Keep up the good work."
Dropship Specialist: AKA Clinically Insane