Rogatien Merc wrote:General John Ripper wrote:I thought the reason everyone attacked R* is because they talked crap about EVERYONE. Even their own alliance and that is also why eon players are leaving because R* makes them want to attack.
Not ... really ... lol
We talk **** about Pradox because they ate popcorn and watched AE/OH fight their fights against us for a while as they dogpile us. Is w/e... I still have IO-era buddies in Pradox so I never took anything personally.
Saying the other EoN. corps quit PC is just a fact; we can't even blame them. Dudes get frustrated, but it is what it is.
Beyond that ... R* rarely starts the **** talking. Though we are obviously willing to participate. Only in the last couple days have I seen R* starting threads like that. w/e
1.Pradox has their own reasons for attacking and I won't really speak for them or get into the why.But I heard that the first time Eugene and mike spoke, eugene immediately called mike a F** with no provocation. Immediately closing any and all diplomacy and I believe that story due to things that were said to some friends I had in team players which I will mention later on.
The **** talking that you speak of now is yes a result of ringers. However Red* also uses ringers in almost every match. Your own guys admit it yourselves in eon pc chat that the game is dying, people are leaving and no one is able to field full teams. Talking down on someone because they do not field full teams when you obviously can't either is hypocritical.
2. Saying eon corps quit pc is fact. I never said that was the **** talking I was referring too. I agree, people do get butthurt and they do quit.
However, Red* is just known as the biggest **** talkers in eon. I was once on the dust most active group on facebook and one guy made one small comment and that was enough reason for Redstar to flip all the districts from a scrub corp. (High Damage). This may be besides my main point but I only say it to point out how much of a loose cannon you guys are. You can sh*t talk anyone you want but going against your allies is just disgraceful.
Redstar also talked sh*t to squad of team players causing alot of tp to not even want to ring for redstar at all anymore, even if they are available. Calling a friend of mine a F** with a lisp after he rings for you guys and tries to help out will not make him want to continue ringing for you guys.Instead he wants to join a corp that is going to attack you guys to help them take everything you own. You guys created your own enemies. Now you have to live with the consequences.
What also suprises me is why The Generals are still ringing for you guys as I saw them helping you in a fight vs pradox the other day. It is well known how you guys sh*t talk them on how much you guys think they suck.
3. Red Star may not have made a forum statement until recently but alot of the Sh*t talking I have heard about has happened ingame, in messages, in comms, and in leader chat meetings. The people involved already know their reasons for wanting to fight you guys. You can try to make yourselves look like the good guys, and I do not really care if you succeed in that or not. Pradox obviously does not care by their lack of backtalk on these forums. In the end, it doesn't really matter anymore. The time for diplomacy is over. My friends are still going to go after you.