CEO: Alina Heart
3% corp tax
US based, accepts all regions
Dios Ex has been a long standing corp with many high ranking players,
Ranked #61 on the leader-boards1.59 corp KDREveryone is welcome to apply!
Few things to note
- Mic is preferred, although not required.
- Must not be a jerk.
- No age restrictions
- New players welcome!
- Dust vets welcome!
- We are friendly! Doesn't matter if your young, old, a girl, a guy, a dog, a kitty, a gold fish or Canadian!
- Most active on weekends at night, although you will see active players earlier in the day
( I'm almost always active during the day).
- 420 friendly
- Alcoholic friendly
Corp Perks
- We want our players running their best, so for those players with vehicles or expensive suits that can't afford them will be reimbursed for suits lost in a PC match.
- Part of the Top Men Alliance
- Low Corp Tax
- Will help new players learn the ropes
Still can't decide if Dios is right for you?
Send me an in game msg to get to know us!
Join chat channel Dios recruiting
Ryno Zamayid wrote:Hey folks, just paying a visit to the thread.... *sniffs* Fish... you made the thread smell like fish... Are you sure your not scaring off more than your welcoming? :p lol Anyways, I am the DIOS recruiting officer. I run on multiple toons, but I'm always looking out for new people that have joined the "Dios Recruiting" chat channel, and will almost always go out of my way to get to know the new folks in there. Feel free to join, get to know our members! It's a great way to see if we are a great fit for you. If you have any questions, concerns, or just general questions, feel free to ask us here, or message us in game.
My other toons to look for:
Vektor Amak
Xak Arji
Best regaurds,
If you have any concerns, questions or Issues let us know, and we will do our best to help.
Dios prides itself on our sportsmanship and freindly demeanor (We don't have enemies, just freinds we'd like to shoot at).
We run recruitment squads to find new people and in general to play with new people.
Are you a CEO of a small corp and are looking to expand?
Corps interested in merging are encouraged to talk to Dios Management
If interested in merging negotiations can be held for leadership positions.
Are you stuck in an inactive, dead corp but have friends in said corp and don't want to leave?Bring them to Dios!
the more people that know each other the better!
Best thing about Dios is the interaction between its players.
What you will see in the Channel
- A small number of Dios Ex members, and possibly other players
Directors you are likely to find
- Joey
- G3noc1de
Recruiter you are likely to find
- Ryno
- Xak (Rynos alt)
- Vektor (Rynos alt)
- Itsmellslikefish (IDK who he is but I hear he's awesome)
Players interested
- Msg me or Ryno, or join chat "Dios recruiting" (This way we get to know players better)
- Play with a squad or a few Dios players to see if this corp is right for you. *Important (See what you will find in Dios Recruiting)
- Search "DIOSX" in corp finder
- Apply for the corp
- Including a short description of what you run, Who you met when squad-ed up with
- Include how you found the corp (Forum, Friend or Foe)