GENERAL FCF wrote:I want to start with, CCP, ILOVE YOU GUYS/GIRLS! Now question time:) when are we going to see heavy Gallente suits? Please rethink the nerfed heavy suits. I've talked to a lot of players and all have felt that the Sentinel suits were OP but only slightly and need about 1k armor and shield. I had a player speak pure poetry today and so i will quote him: Dust514 was ment to be a different experience than COD, It was ment to be more than the average fps. I agree with him it should go back to the heavies stats back in chromosome. Because back then heavies were feared, and when you saw a heavy you immediatly tossed all your flux grenades and prayed the sentinel would go in hiding long enough for you to regroup with your TEAM! It forced players to work together to defeat a single heavy and people considered it EPIC if not a FEAT if they single handedly took out a heavy by themselves! Those moments where "EPIC", but with all the nerfing going around i cant say ive had EPIC moments since the beta sadly. I know thats not the only way to have epic battles but it is one! I dont think you should take that away from players and supplement new interactions to replace fun old ones. I think you should combine any and ALL EPIC pieces to make a game that is easy to get into but very hard to master! Not like the mainstream games where you can level up over night. If players are going to spend 7YRS of their life on this game to fully upgrade everything to level 5 like you said. Dont you think you should make it WORTH THEIR WHILE? If someone wants to be a walking tank then fine, if someone wants to be a nimble fastest scout that breaks faces quickly and cause trouble fast then fine, if someone wants to be a logistics or assault and support or lead the battle then great! Dont sell em short. Heck i reach my SP cap within 3days and im almost always on! Day or night! Its like a drug! But the main reason i still play even though it gets kinda redundant is because of the aformentioned hope and expectancy of EPUC moments. The heavy machine gun range needs more. Its too nerfed. Militia grade weapons are OP right now and to remedy this either nerf em or give more HP on the sentinels (a lot more than 18%) but ill take what I can get so thank you Soo very much for this update! I know your going to test this and see if the heavies need more HP or not. So your guys hit that niche sooner than later. Take care and good job:)