CYRAX SERVIUS wrote:Ok, this has been coming for awhile.
I neither spied on gen or stole players from you guys. Players that left did so on their own accord.
.After squading with and apologizing to some of my old friends, I have realized something, you are the real problem here.
Just so you know and this is perfectly clear, your senseless attacks on our only district is only costing your corp money as I will not lose this district.
I hope Anubis gets you under control as I have been trying to get in touch with him and offer my official apology to him as he does deserve that respect from me.
Furthermore, this is truly between you and me, stop making your corp pay for your personal boner with me, it's a losing endeavor and all you are doing is poking a sleeping dragon with a stick.
I apologize to all my other friends in gen, it was nice to play with some of you again last night, I hope you all realize the truth behind this little war we are having, I have taken steps to end it and am not afraid to take on Nav head on.
My new corp is doing great, but being a full grown man with balls, i will admit i made a couple mistakes in the way i handled things and have apologized.
It's your turn Nav, go ahead keep attacking, let your ego get the best of you, I will take no offensive action in counter on you because I have no reason to. But be advised, I will defend with any and all means necessary as we are using this district for training.
I have called you out, let's go, I have taken off the gloves and have nothing to hide, you want me, i'm right here.
Cyrax Maximus Servius...
by 'boner' do u mean an escaped minmatar shoeshiner flapping his gums about poaching players and then making chest-beating statements that can only be backed by getting non-involved parties in on it?
face it Cyrax your crew is too scared to fight GEN on your own, cause you know you would have to eat your words.
therefore you come to a forum and drop a deuce, forgetting to wipe over something that you are now even apologizing and admitting should be handled privately.
The saddest thing is random scrubs like you run rampant on these forums, rather than getting your crew in shape and settling differences on the field..
please tho, put the gloves back on cause I don't think you've washed your hands since that chance meeting with Michael Jackson so many years ago...