Void Echo wrote:Atiim wrote:Soldiersaint wrote:Wait correct me if im wrong but the best way to use the swarm launcher now is to do taliban style ambushes

It's always been that way.
AV is only OP in the eyes of QQers like Void and Tankashiro because they are biased, and have never gone up against people with AV that don't hide in the redline.
And now AV is on the chop block because CCP has to many buckets of thier tears
don't bring me into this scrub... im done arguing and debating the non-existing balance.. especially with biased pricks like you.
the biggest thing going against you is that you are a tank driver yet your advocating tanks being nerfed even more so that even complete retards like you can solo your own tank by yourself with militia AV. your a giant contradiction and will never have any respect from anyone other than lukeboy and the others who have stated before that they want this to be call of duty without vehicles.
Anyways, actually the fact that I am a tank driver who sides with AV is the best thing I have going for me currently, as despite your thoughts, makes me quite possibly one of the only people who's opinion matters, as unlike 90% of the community, I have seen everything from all points of views, as I am quite literally everything in this game, from Heavies and Scouts, to Assault and Logistics, to even Tanker and AV.
The fact that you are a tanker without PRO AV and call me a biased prick at the same time is laughably pathetic, as anyone with half a brain on these forums would be laughing at you by now.
You are actually a walking definition of hypocrisy, considering that you tell people "HTFU you aren't a tanker, so your opinions don't matter", yet you are the first one to jump when people tell you "HTFU you aren't AV, so your opinions don't matter.
No MLT AV with no skills invested have ever soloed a well fitted tank, and I have never once said nor implied the following:
- Tanks should be nerfed
- AV should be buffed
- I should solo with MLT AV
- "HTFU your opinions don't matter" (except to counter the arguments of those who have said similar)
The fact that you imply that I have said any of this is dumbfounding, as that would mean you don't even completely read and comprehend what I am saying, heck I even had a post of you admitting to this yourself.
I have done literally nothing but try to explain things from the view of AV, yet some people still said "HTFU lukeoboy you aren't a real tanker because you side with AV". Well now that this argument was thrown out the window by your own video (which we've yet to see), you have absolutely nothing to counter my truth.
The respect the community has won't matter, as if something is wrong it's wrong, no matter how many people support the contrary. And if you ask people who know me in-game, they will tell you just how un-biased I truly am.
And as far as my tank and your tank goes Mine>Yours. I won't explain why in this post, because I want you to have some time to think about this before you talk about my "**** Fit"
TL;DR: I am quite literally one of the most non-biased person this forum has and will ever see