Upper Deckin
Fraternity of St. Venefice Amarr Empire
Posted - 2013.10.25 18:58:00 -
[1] - Quote
8213 wrote:This is turning into a problem. That's the draw back of having a game that's ongoing. When you're forced to either protostomp yourself, or be protostomped it turns the game into not fun.
There's no use in even staying in the match anymore. Because if you turn to using Free Starter Fits, then you might as well leave, because you're still not going to obtain any WP. You might as well chalk up to forgoing the ISK and Bonus SP to not wanting to be dead, bored, and annoyed all the time.
I know it's the right for everyone to protostomp, but why are these corps doing it so much? Obviously Nyain San is the most guilty at doing this, and it gets annoying. Even when you do good against them (because they individual are very bad players, including Milkman and Addict) it's still not any fun. Playing a pub with the awareness and tryhardness of a P/C battle is not fun for anyone involved. Its to easy against noobs, and you have nothing to feel good about afterwards. I shouldn't have to break out the Proto gear just to hold my current expectations against 6 guys that are taking the game so seriously. You can achieve the same scores with Standard equipment, but they don't want to leave any room for error; they depend on it. So, if I beat back the Squads of Protostompers, and finish with my regular top score, I worked to darn hard to really appreciate it. I'm to much in tryhard mode to really take the fun away form the match.
And as far as match making goes... what's to stop a vet player from making an alt and going into easy lobbies and still stomping. You already have people making alts to go into the Academy and using AURUM gear to protostomp...
The DUST playerbase are nothing but scrubs that couldn't cut it on other titles, so they banded up on a game that has less than 5000 active players so they could finally be the big fish in a small pond like they always dreamed of...
Funny thing is, all these pubstompers started the game the same time as everyone else 2 years ago, so they never had to deal with the problem. They got to come up the ranks parrel with everyone else. They got in the door first, and aren't budging on their ability to destroy noobs. None of them could start a new character and play it solo for 4 weeks straight and expect to not just go back to using their main character, because they wouldn't stand for it either. Even with the knowledge of the game they have. Heck, you find a solo Nyain San player NEVER at the top of a pub lobby leaderboard...
You just summed up why this game is dying and can't retain players ..
I would rather go buy new games then stick it out with this garbage . Soon right ? It'll be better soon.
Its interesting for me to think about the fact that this game with 5000 people tops has to decide what to fix 1st . With so much wrong and broken with this game it must be hell making the call on what is priority , Knowing that the wrong decision loses you more players .
All I can say for sure is CCP should still be beta testing this game . Not a full releases with special edition packs and aur to buy before the game is done.
With a full scale proper beta test ; You could have seen how X amount of players using Z and Y weapons affects the game play . How are aur weapons going to play out ? Are the weapons balanced? Are people only using 1 or 2 weapon types cause the rest suck? Are the vehicles where we want them ? Do we want lav's to be able to run people over ? Do we want full clans going up against the guys right out of academy? How are we going to let new player try out the weapons as we have no respec option ?
As you are dealing with these problem now its tells me you had very little thought to any of these issues before hand .
You pretty much have said with your actions ....let's get the bare bones out and well fix the game over the next 5 years .
Have fun with all that . I'm sure the hardcore eve players will stick around , but you've left a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths , And if your big plan is to re-release this for ps4 I think you're gonna have a lot of people who'll feel used and misled.
This will truly have been a spend your money on our beta test . I don't think that's gonna fly with most people .

Upper Deckin
Fraternity of St. Venefice Amarr Empire
Posted - 2013.10.25 19:34:00 -
[2] - Quote
quite honestly if the QQers who cried about proto stomping 3 or 4 months ago were still playing they would be in proto gear as well, but a lot of the people who have played or do play this game lack the patients to grind it out the way the vets have.
Its just continuing the vicious cycle . Its not going to fix the problem ...It just mean I'm not being stomped. I think your missing the big picture here.
Why am I going to waste time on a game to be the guy stomping instead of being stomped , When I was just complaining about it . Where's the fun? .... What's the point?
To me it's not fun to be so powerful compared to your opponent they dont even pose a threat . You might as well go play a singleplayer game , throw some cheats on and comp stomp ....What the diff? I want a challenge , most do . This game is just level to the point you get to be the stomper ....
I can see it now the new advertising campaign: Dust 514 : One war one universe ..... Level up and you too can stomp the few noobs that trickle through!