Mossellia Delt wrote:Looks like the OPs corp name is apt as he has as much sence and intelligence as a 2nd grader.
You know there is actually a 3 step process dealing with people you think are wrong.
1. You think they are
-That was everyone's first step, they thought I was simply misinformed. Many on here have provided me information in order to correct my ignorance in Scouts. I learned a lot about them, and tried to apply it to my own understanding. I left many likes and responses on here agreeing with some of these changes, but overall I didn't feel it was warrant enough to change the Scout as it is right now.
2. After information is provided, and the person
still doesn't agree, they are simply an
-I got called an idiot on this thread left and right. Because I was unable to simply understand the point of view of Scouts, I was called a moron. I understand what drawbacks the Scout/Light has, and I still didn't agree that they should be changed right now. Or, that there changes were needed in the game at this time.
3. Lastly, the person is deemed informed, and intelligent enough to understand it, so they are simply
evil. They are lying.
-Eventually I got called names, and was labeled a Troll, because no other explanation could represent my point of view and assessment. Me being right, even just a little bit, was a notion that could not be entertained, I had to be going about this whole thread with deceitful intentions. One guy on here said that eventually I would be referenced to Adolf ******. People on here started labeling my personality with evil traits. I was doing this thread simply because I was an a**hole.
Here's a reference
link if you want.
Long... looooooong thread short. I agree with some changes that can be made to Scout, but at the end of the day the Scout is so close to the center-line of effective versus OP. I think they are about as balanced as you can get in this game without pushing them over the edge to OP. If the changes people are wanting are slight, then why have them at all? What is so detrimental about having them stay the same? They are hard to use, but also have the ability to puke wrecksauce on opponents if put in the right hands.
Broken game mechanics aside (this is a content balance issue) Scouts may be hard mode, but so is the SCR, Plasma Cannon, etc... but placed the right hands... they devastate. Instead of worrying about wanting more, why not try to unlock the Scouts potential first? If you feel you already have unlocked that potential (like the list on Shotty's Leaderboard seem to have done) then how can you complain? How can you complain having a 3 K/D in the hardest frame? How can you complain topping leaderboards? How can you want more if you're already considered some of the best DUST Players on the planet?
Look at it from both sides, objectively, without selfishness. You can actually learn a lot on this forum, not just about the game but humans in general...