2.) CCP suggestion about tk's needs reworked. Some suggestions I have to mitigate them would be higher standing requirements to play in more important battles, essentially segregating lower, medium, and higher levels of standings so you play with people on or above (but NOT below) your level.
In addition if they indeed implement a team deploy they need to provide a way to disable tk's kicking a person from the match, give that option to the teams deploying.
Furthermost, allow a rating system accessed by looking at player info where people can rate a person in terms of stars or something. This would allow a person to look at his teams ratings upon entering the WB to decide if he doesn't want to play with these people.
3.) When a team loses a FW match, they can receive however paltry a sum of LP's for trying, but they should lose standings slightly for each loss.
4.) A voting system at the conclusion of each match allows for nomination of an MVP. Being voted MVP would provide extra LP rewards if a minimum number of votes are cast.
5.) CCP wants to put aurum variants up for exchange for LP points. I'm cool with that. However, either in addition, or in replacement, I suggest adding in Proto suits that either come with a marginal increase in cpu/pg or perhaps an extra slot. This would allow those that are satisfied with their suits exciting rewards to grind out for tourney's and PC's and such.
These suits would be colored differently in addition, to signify their rarity.
6.) A board (similar to corp contracts from chrome) where dust bunnies can offer full teams for potential contracts that can be viewed eve side. This board would list isk price. Eve side they could then accept the team for a specific system of fighting they are consumed with winning, or counter the contract offer while listing the system they want to fight.
On another note could they assign a specific corp via a contract that would presumably allow a certain corp during an accepted hour to be responsible for fights, in a sense mixing PC and FW?
7.) Any TK responsible for destroying a vehicle will have to replace the isk, even if it draws his char into the negative.
8.) Instead of replacing isk for LP, half isk payouts so people don't hemorrhage money so badly.
9.) Lower number of matches in order to achieve standings, but create a weekly bump system so people don't rest on their laurels.
10.) Kagehoshi posted this elsewhere. I'm not sold on the details, but the idea seems sound:
Quote:Victories, and consistent and loyal service of an empire over one's mercenary career should be recognized by the respective empire, and be rewarded with medals. It makes sense that they would incentivize loyalty from skilled mercenaries so they don't end up working for the enemy. Medals should come with ISK prizes, and specially colored faction gear. Here is a basic idea of how rewards can work:
Win 25 battles for a faction: win an (imperial, republic, federal, or state) Medal of Commendation + 1 million ISK + 20 STD faction dropsuits and weapons.
Win 100 battles for a faction: win an (imperial, republic, federal, or state) Medal of Victory + 5 million ISK + 20 STD specially colored faction dropsuits and weapons.
Win 250 battles for a faction: win an (imperial, republic, federal, or state) Medal of Service + 15 million ISK + 20 ADV specially colored faction dropsuits and weapons.
Win 500 battles for a faction: win an (imperial, republic, federal, or state) Medal of Honorable Service + 20 million ISK + 30 ADV specially colored faction dropsuits and weapons.
Win 1000 battles for a faction: win an (imperial, republic, federal, or state) Medal of Distinguished Lifetime Honorable Service + 50 million ISK + 50 PRO specially colored faction dropsuits and weapons.
The medals should be displayed on one's public character information, and character sheet. It would also be nice to have them hanging from a wall in the merc quarters.
Anyone that's got additional suggestions or disagrees with the proposed suggestions please make rational arguments.