Ghosts Chance
Posted - 2013.10.11 02:38:00 -
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A bit of background on me.
ive always loved the railgun, it was the ultimate sniper weapon and unlike the actual sniper rifle you had to understand how the projectile flys and lead your targets, but in return were rewarded with a 1HKO.
i begun my railtanking journey at the start of the open beta, taking after legendary names who came before me, learning from watching and trying to beat them at their own game.
rail tanking was the art of positioning, manuvering and playing LOS games with your oponents (both the infantry and tank variety)
my crowing achievements were games with 50+ kills 6000+ WPs and even hitting some poor soul falling out of the MCC.
i wasnt a redline railtank either, not unless my team got beat back to the redline and even then i only stayed in the tank back there because we couldnt recall them yet.
but that playstyle has been dead since uprising 1.0 and the draw distance problems that plauge the weapon and have destroyed an entire playstyle in the name of vegitation growing 10m around you.
no the railguns range isnt defined by the gun, but rahter how far you can see, and in some cases thats as low as 20m.
the advantage of the railgun is range, its balanced on range, but unfortuantly we no longer have range.
CCP has destroyed railguns into oblivion, gone are the days we are feared and chased to the ends of the earth, now people just stand more then 100m away and laugh and let swarms fly, whereas before doing so held a measure of danger as the railtanker took aim and faught back.
since uprising hit i have not been able to play the class that made me fall in love with the game, the class that kept me playing. and every patch that comes by i hope they will restore my weapon to some sort of usability, restore the sight that was taken away. but every patch i test out the changes in my old rusted Dynames and i give up on it more and more.
so please CCP: give my gun its range back, let me SEE again, and let me enjoy a playstyle that i was awesome at, and let me become legendary like those that came and went before me.
(back in the day railgun splash would do upwards of 800+ damage due to a bug so take that 50+ skills number with a grain of salt, since uprising you can no longer kill with splash, although since uprising i can still pull off 30+ kill games with the railgun despite not being able to see reliably past 50m for the last 5 months, and thats mostly direct hits to the face.) |