ponies test wrote:Alright. THIS wasn't directed TO me, but I was witness to this, and I would call these "KIDS" out, but in all, it would just harm the victim more. But this is something I want to bring to you, the adult side of this community.
I got a friend into this game who is gay. Now, I'm not saying cartwheels, rainbows coming from his arse, but he does enjoy the company of men.
WELL, hes stayed with the game, and enjoyed it properly. Got him self, now, i think close to 12m SP. So, yes, invested some time into this, got him into " my corp" ( I use this term loosely now) and have had some great time.
All was fine till, after a while, he's noticed a large some of the community ( with in game) and with in the corp of some words going around. He doesnt like people screaming F.A.G. in an unfavorable term. As in, you get killed and hear "F'ing F.A.G.". Let me repeat, with in game, he hears people scream this and is getting offended by this. Even from this corp I spoke of earlier.
A town hall meeting has come up and I brought this up. The response "He should learn to HTFU and learn to get over it", to as far as "This is how I talk. If he doesn't like this, he should leave"
My response to this was immediately, "You are justifying being an a-hole. You don't want to change how you talk around this guy, but would much rather continue the way you talk, not in regard to how you might actually offend this guy"
Well, you can see how long he stayed with in the corp. I even left friends and family to even follow him on his journey in being blue. And guess what, this wasn't just there, even in other corps, but it did do something.
The previous corp, the group caught wind of why he left, and it had others spool up and raise their hands saying "this also offends me"
One of them was black. I then received a message outside of game saying "F'ng 'n' ( yes, the n-bomb) should learn to grow up, and HTFU because life is unfair, people ingeneral, in the real world are going to talk to him like that and he should just learn to adjust"
This continued back and forth down to it ending in being called a "n-bomb lover" ( please replace n-bomb for a more or less, 6 letter word starting with n, a few g's, and a 'R')
Well, the corp soon got them selves a holding cell for new players, to teach and mold new players. Cohoerted my friend to rejoin, under new management, and rather a good guy did talk him back in, including the black guy from before.
Long story short, someone in that first corp told me they are now planing on closing this previous corp because they let both of these two in, because of how they left this first corp ( which I seen them leave under the terms of "I'm tired of hearing my sexuality being constantly used in a negative text, and treatment of race ( including N-bombing) is not acceptable as an adult."
So, I come to you guys, he doesnt know the corp he is in, is going to nuke, and take out some rather good names from the corp as...as far as I can tell, because of being a child.
So I ask you, was anyone being in the wrong here? Should I make this corp public ( I won't but I gotta ask)
I'm just left baffled, that someone can confront another, asking them to quit and they can just "I don't want to change, it is YOU that has to change"
I felt I needed to share and start making this public.
TL;DR crowd
Calling that red dot that gunned you down a "gay" can offend people in your squad. And has, and has escalated to an almost ridiculous point that, I want this a little out there.