Rudy Vandersario wrote:Rei Shepard wrote:Kiiran-B wrote:Went 32/4 soloing in an ambush.
Get a mail after game.
Subject: REPORTED.
That's right ladies and gents.
I got reported for being awesome

What the frak, i play solo all the time wiyth scores like that, yesterday made a 46/6 solo vs a team of Venuzuela something (6 guys) and noone ever sends me these kinds of mails..../sad panda
Seriously ....
I guess it's because I mainly play pub matches but it's odd how according to the people on these forums you regularly get 30/40 kills and yet I very rarely see those sorts of scores in game.
Even the very best players in terms of huge overall kill totals don't usually get more than 20 kills in a pub match so I guess it's watch this space because if you're getting 30/40 kills a match you will of course be topping the leader boards very soon. Won't you?
I don't have time to play all day long, so i ussually end up playing a couple of matches per day only and i don't feel like topping any charts soon other then my own "Fun" chart. (i didnt even max out my sp this week)
But since your sound sceptic about my scores and we have not met ingame, here are a couple from this week that i did play, also don't regard Madlax as we don't play together because of KS issues and we both go our own way during a game.
We always start an evening like, alright we should work on our TEAMWORK!! YAAAAHHH...and 5 minutes in our first game we are like ok f*ck that ...i am going left, you take right because theres just not enough berries to share between 2 people...
theres a few with Madlax on the board and a couple just me solo, so you can see that Maddy being there or not doesnt affect a thing. apologize about the bad quality, since its a phone, but i gotta take a couple of pictures now and then for people who do sound sceptic.
And yes, i can from time to time play a really bad game, especially when i am tired and i know i shouldnt play but i do it anyways because i can't resist.
Sorry for the Hi-jack Kiiran-B.