Banning Hammer
Tal-Romon Legion Amarr Empire
Posted - 2013.09.14 23:46:00 -
[1] - Quote
CCP FoxFour wrote:I suppose I can copy and paste some of the words from our wiki page for 1.5. Please keep in mind that these pages tend to be copy and pasted from a template so some things may not be accurate:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras semper metus metus, vitae accumsan mauris mattis sed. Etiam sapien tellus, lacinia sed viverra vel, adipiscing et lacus. Vivamus malesuada lectus non massa ultricies tristique. Nunc id erat vitae tellus rutrum consequat ac eu tortor. Aenean libero velit, pharetra ac nisi nec, sollicitudin tempus mi. Sed euismod massa ac libero dignissim ullamcorper. Proin dictum lacus ac lacus molestie, non iaculis sem hendrerit. Quisque vulputate mollis ultricies. Praesent faucibus pharetra neque sit amet sodales. Nunc et quam pellentesque est hendrerit pharetra.
Cras tempus, diam at ultricies tempor, sapien nisl tempus ante, id venenatis nunc enim vel nunc. Sed fringilla, neque et molestie feugiat, tortor elit pretium enim, eget semper metus diam eget massa. Nam facilisis, mauris vitae laoreet porttitor, magna leo pretium odio, vitae semper tellus nisi ac ligula. Aliquam placerat aliquet volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean lobortis ullamcorper ante sit amet mollis. Sed arcu ipsum, aliquam vel lacus vel, tincidunt mattis tortor. Nulla facilisi. Quisque faucibus molestie malesuada. Donec sagittis purus lectus, a tempus odio suscipit et. Vivamus quis dictum tellus, ut ornare ipsum. Nulla nisi odio, gravida eget tellus ut, dignissim scelerisque neque. Maecenas nisl orci, ultricies eu rutrum et, viverra iaculis eros. Vivamus libero nisi, consequat nec dolor sed, pellentesque feugiat risus. In ultrices magna massa. Nullam scelerisque libero id tempor mollis.
Praesent id dictum justo, eu euismod lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur lacinia quam non nisi pellentesque consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi at mi eu arcu hendrerit ullamcorper a dignissim nisi. Praesent semper velit vel arcu egestas aliquet. Ut condimentum, est a cursus elementum, elit nibh dictum felis, semper bibendum quam metus ut libero. Duis fringilla suscipit sapien, eu elementum nisl malesuada vitae. Sed dictum tellus at purus convallis facilisis. Maecenas felis massa, condimentum nec bibendum et, luctus ut nisl. Aliquam fermentum ut diam a egestas. Nam tristique augue quis eleifend luctus.
Rofl... latin ... you troll....
I think is something like this ;
They going to focus more in what people wants, try to make the game more strategic, they going to improve the tanks and maybe add "jets" ? Also encouraging more team work ( At the contrary of Pubstomping in Squads ? ), they going to improve the economics ( Player Market ? ), also... something about corps... not sure what... (Planetary Conquest Improvement ?) |

Banning Hammer
Tal-Romon Legion Amarr Empire
Posted - 2013.09.15 22:49:00 -
[5] - Quote
Our Deepest Regret wrote:Kazeno Rannaa wrote:more a sham, and I feel hoodwinked and bamboozled. Every time a dev decides to rear their head on these forums I feel that we are talking to people that actually want improve the poor conditions of this game and its community, rather we are being face to address a sheisty politician or snake-oil salesman.
I haven't spent so much as a penny on this game and I've gotten hours and hours of entertaining gameplay out of it, in between the stuff that frustrates and annoys me. This attitude towards a free-to-play game astounds me. You likely have no investment in it outside of hours played, so why do you feel so betrayed? Those cunning bastards and their free product, how dare they promise me the moon!
Because is not free for everyone, some people actually spends money in this game. I personally have spend enough cash in Dust 514 to get at least one new release, perhaps two.. i forgot exactly how much. Some people have spend hundreds of cash on it, others thousands ..