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Thread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 1 post(s) |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.13 00:42:00 -
[1] - Quote
here are the links to all the articles so far in portuguese. Aqui ficam os links aos articulos ate hoje que ha no portugu+¬s:
feedback/requests [respostas/recomenda+º+¦es]
this week in dust [este semana no DUST 514]
weekly error report [reporte dos errores semanal]
these are updated weekly. [este se atualizam cada semana]
miscellaneous articles translated from oldest to newest [varios outros articulos traduzidos desde o velho ate o recente]: no fighting in the lab room https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=106083&find=unread |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.25 04:35:00 -
[2] - Quote
updated. do not lock. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.25 04:40:00 -
[3] - Quote
ReGnUM Public Relations wrote:Reported
by all means. CCP already knows I do the translating for portuguese. as you will soon see. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.26 16:44:00 -
[4] - Quote
CCP Eterne wrote:Stickying this for awesomes.

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.26 18:45:00 -
[5] - Quote
Dominic Kalte wrote:Pretty awesome to see this being sticked. Should help a bit those who have problems with english, props to you guys.
But the title and post sound a bit awkward in portuguese. I, could point some changes if you wish, its my first language after all. Like, the title would sound more correct if it were: Links aos artigos em portugu+¬s. First line: Estes s+úo atualizados toda semana. And so on. I could help translate it when I get home, if you want, but nice work, I like it.
Hey, by all means help me translate and post your edited versions here or at the links so II can adjust the OP and give you credit.
It would say: translated by d legendary
edited by dominic Kalte |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.26 19:02:00 -
[6] - Quote
Aleksander Black wrote:Err... No need to credit or anything, Im just glad to help. Will do when I get home, give me a few hours. O7
pois, agora isso e um fio portuguesa entao falamos portugues e traduzimos juntos pois somos uma comunidade grande agora. o7 |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.27 03:02:00 -
[7] - Quote
Dominic Kalte wrote:All links to portuguese articles - Links para Artigos em Portuguêsthese are updated weekly. [Estes são atualizados a cada semana]here are the links to all the articles so far in portuguese. Aqui estão os links para todos os artigos traduzidos até hoje para o português:
feedback/requests [respostas/recomendações] updated 9/05/13
this week in dust [este semana no DUST 514] updated 9/12/13
weekly error report [reporte dos errores semanal] updated 9/05/13
important dev posts on player threads [postos importantes dos DEVs nos fios dos jogadores] updated 9/12/13 Dev announcements/blogs [Anuncios/blogs Dev]:[list] no fighting in the lab room
https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=106083&find=unreadvehicles in update 1.5 and beyond
https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1227193#post1227193update on uprising 1.5
https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1312449#post1312449dev blog: delegating roles: new corp roles in 1.5
Furthermore I could suggest some more changes: Links to Articles translated to portuguese - Links para Artigos traduzidos para portuguêsThis list is updated weekly - Esta lista é atualizada semanalmenteHere are the links to all the articles so far translated to portuguese - Aqui estão os links para todos os artigos até agora traduzidos para o português.
That's it. Alek is my alt if you were wondering, I posted with the wrong character. Take a look, make the changes you deem necessary and if you need me to translate anything else just say/send me an mail. As long as it is just a few lines there is no problem, but I can't really go around translating whole DEV blogs even though I really want to. Cheers to the portuguese reading comunity!
Otimo1 bom trabalho irmao. Agradeco muito o seu ajuda. Quanod eu estier a traduzir os blogs e tal, so traduzo as partes importantes aos jogadores. Por exemplo mudancas pelos veiculos, nerfs, buffs, e outras coisas. Por exemplo tem um dev blog sobre os novos papeis pelas corporacoes. Nao traduzi eu todo o artigo, mais a parte mais importante sobre o que faria os papeis traduzi para souberem a comunidade o que esta a vir. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.27 12:34:00 -
[8] - Quote
KatanaPT wrote:Not to be "that guy" but your Portuguese is atrocious. I would hardly call that Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese. Although is a honorable work on your part i think most of it is an insult to the Portuguese language.
^^If your going to insult my Portuguese at least get your English right...  If your talking about missing letters, your i don't have a proof reader or editor, so missing letters happens like it does in English. Grammatically, everything is sound. As you know there is more than one way to say something in any language. Please try to be constructive. BTW I'm using standard Portuguese, not Brazilian or continental. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.27 21:10:00 -
[9] - Quote
Well, after some thought. I will accept the criticism no matter how harsh. I am trying to do a service to the community and my outbusrt in the earlier post was a disservice. Although, I will assure you that I am using portuguese dictionaries and double checking my grammar with information from Portuguese grammar books and other resources to ensure that he original ideas are transmitted.
I repeat sometimes the translations may seem off but I try my best to stick as close to the original text as possible. I don't want to add additional verbage and misrepresent a DEV's blog or response.
I apologize for any misunderstandings, although I assure you they will be far and few. Feel free to edit any of my translated posts, and enjoy the game.
Again this is for the Portuguese speaking community, if you read, write ad speak flawless English, you should just read the blogs in English. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.27 21:26:00 -
[10] - Quote
Dominic Kalte wrote:Is it that bad? I could take some time to work on translations but only if I knew it would be appreciated. Is there even such a high demand for them? Would take a lot of time but... I could do it I guess.
Its not that bad. there is always a troll.
Anyone can translate things to portuguese. Ill put all the links here If you want. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.27 21:43:00 -
[11] - Quote
Again if anyone here wants to translate by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. I'm not saying my Portuguese is perfect but its not horrible in fact according to a lot of feed back I have been getting from talking to people (including people I do not know) its great.
Do I make mistakes? Yes. Do I miss letters here and there? I do in English. Anyone of you here who is 100% flawless in all your writing in both English and Portuguese by all means.
Just remember for English there is a spell check on the forums so, there is no excuse for poor spelling in English. I will not be intimidated. I will continue to service the community. If you are offended by my portuguese no one forces you to read it. If you want to make corrections I am open to them. But out right banter is against forum rules and I will report you for doing so.
Thank you for time. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.09.28 18:56:00 -
[12] - Quote
I am a servant of the community. Any and all criticism and recommendations are welcome. Thank all of your for your feedback and support.

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.02 02:02:00 -
[13] - Quote
Rapaz, como eu ja disse, pode me ajudar se voce quera. Mai, vou recordar-te que ataques pessoal sao contra o lei do Forum. Estou pedindo ajuda. Eu nao acho que sou elhor que qualquer pessoa. Como eu ja te falei se voce quera fazer a traducao voce tem toda libertade. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.02 21:16:00 -
[14] - Quote
Yagihige wrote:D legendary hero wrote:Rapaz, como eu ja disse, voce pode me ajudar se voce quera. Mas, vou recordar-lhe que ataques pessoais sao contra a regra do Forum. Estou a pedir ajuda. Eu nao acho que sou o melhor tradutor no mundo enteira nem melhor que qualquer pessoa. Como eu ja te falei se voce quera fazer a traducao voce tem toda libertade.
KatanaPT I have nothing against you, however, I will not tolerate this inappropriate behavior. If you continue I will report you. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to working with you on some future translation projects. It's not that you claim to be the best at translating, it's that you think you can translate anything at all. (sentence fragment)It's not even that. (sentence fragment) The real problem isn't that you have poor skills converting fromEnglish to Portuguese, it's that you have poor skills writing in Portugueseby itself. In this post , you wrote in Portugueseand, you managed to invent 2 new words, fudge up* between masculine and feminine words, even on a made up word making it a double error and displayinginconsistentincorrect grammar. (Grammar is either correct or it is not. Consistently wrong grammar is still wrong) [run on sentence to many commas] I'm very sorry to say this but you're a functional illiterate Portuguese speaker** poor translator and this is your main problem. *fudge up is not proper English. fudge-up is slang and is written 'fudge-up'. **literacy is related to your ability to read and write. It has nothing to do with Speech.
If your going to insult me, please use proper English. Seriously, the Forums come with a spell check in English you should use it sometime. Every word i used is actual Portuguese which I am beginning to think you have no grasp over.
De novo Rapaz, te vou avisar, se voc+¬ prossegue-me tormentando vou te reportar. Tamb+¬m, eu notei que voc+¬ n+úo entende o Portugu+¬s Brasileiro. Pois, dizer que o Portugu+¬s Brasileiro +¬ pior que o Portugu+¬s continental +¬ discrimina+º+úo. Lembre "Quando chover todo esta molhado". |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.02 21:59:00 -
[15] - Quote
Yagihige wrote:Needless Sacermendor wrote:Yagihige wrote:I'm very sorry to say but you're a functional illiterate portuguese speaker and that is your main problem. I'm sorry to say you're a functional arrogant human being and that's probably not your only problem ! (exactly how 'functional' fits into either of those sentences is beyond me, being the linguistics expert perhaps you could explain that one) Luckily for everyone D legendary hero has got nice helpful people like you to offer their time in providing more accurate portuguese translations. I look forward to reading a community spotlight with your name in it praising you for providing your services for free to try to help your fellow citizens. I guess the most I can expect from someone like you though, is a bashing for commenting in a thread about a language I don't speak, that seems to be more your level. What do you want me to do? Ignore all the evidence that says otherwise? Lie just so he feels good about it? Do you want me to Ignore evidence and lie to him so that he feels good? [3 incomplete questions. Paragraph too short. A paragraph requires at least 3 sentences.]
His Portuguese is indeed at a functional illiterate level, there's no other way iI can put it. [paragraph too short]
I have no interest in having Portuguese translations, iI shouldn't be expected to provide help of any kind.[paragraph too short]
Likewise, I'd like to see you say the same thing** if the case was someone presenting a fitting tool website done on geocities with popups everywhere, written in comic sans and with graphics made with using MS Paint. [run-on sentence] And then see it being promoted by CCP. [b][Sentences do not begin with 'And']
[b]By the way , that analogy is perfect for the situation , btw*. [sentence fragment] *btw is not an English word or an accept acronym. By the way, 'by the way' is informal speech not writing. It should go at the beginning of a sentence not the end. **you cannot 'see' speech. Therefore you must either 'see' him write it or hear him 'say' it. "I'd like to see" is informal speech used by uneducated people.
Your horrible massacre of the English language is an outrage. We should send in support tickets to get your comments removed from the forums. Why should I have to correct your English so you can insult me properly? Your attempts to dampen my resolve are amusing.
Its sad that your English and Portuguese are so poor i have to correct you in order for others to understand what you are trying to say. You should try writing in Spanish perhaps you will have better luck communicating your outlandish allegations. Better yet get your wife to translate your comments in English so that I may understand you. Unless she is already doing so. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.03 04:54:00 -
[16] - Quote
Yagihige wrote:Talking about my english? Really? Did i ever use my english skill on a piece of translation work? That's one hell of a red herring you got there. Also, don't play the victim card and think that i'm discriminating on brazilian portuguese. Quote:mudar o alcan+ºa mudan+ºa do vers+úo ter a habilidade olhar o nivel (estatus) de armadura facilemente o temos por nossa lista de coisas fazer nisso ao momento debido +ás outras vigilamos respostas a provir no 1,4 e o redefini+º+úo este sugest+úo gostamos deste ideia e N+¦s falam-no-lo o investigamos no futuro distributor do nanites Este semana Disculpe-me pela resposta desvagar temos nos ocupado muito com o vers+úo grande mapa baseada num astronave do EVE abatido melhor e mais estatisticas aviso de mantenamiento Deve de remediado (repara-quente) ROFL mui horrivel sinto melhor assim que disfrutem o presenta+º+úo Os trazemos A facilidade de pesquisa cientifico Este edificio esta cheia aos bordes com laboratoris advancadas O ventagem potential o aten+º+úo dos mercenarios o primer posto advan+ºado reemplazer+í os postos advan+ºados O equipo o vers+úo 1,4 quando se for vivo o primer coisa que v+úo notar tela dos atualiza+º+¦es recentes sobre os posi+º+¦s fora da linho do fogo liberalmente arranjador de batalha uns poucos notos exp+¦r uns das perguntas varias coisas os que estamos intentando optimiar pelo seu conveni+¬ncia coisa que voc+¬s quizas tenham para voc+¬s podem informar-se provou ser invaluavel investigandos os seus preocupa+º+¦es +á cola de batalha aplicar-os no jogo nos proximos 48 ate 72 horas Uma repara foi esta planejado batalhas meio cheio esperar em colas muito longe se melhorou a tardeza Este repara foi aplicado o 2013-09-04 campo de entreinamento o Augusto 22da ate o Septembro 5ta planejador de aptida+º+úo para as pessoas ficam tentados
These above are NOT continental nor brazilian portuguese. They're gibberish. They're poor portuguese in any part of the world with major structural errors and evidence of poor grasp of the language (even if it's your first language). They're just from 2 of your translations and feature in almost literally every line of text. I also was a bit lenient and didn't include lesser errors. Btw, someone seems to need this Link.Lastly, just because i have no intention of doing something does not in any way stop me from having the ability to criticize someone who did it poorly and without any skill at all. I don't need to be an olympic swimmer to acknowledge that someone is drowning.
Not only did you misquote my text but you continue to harass me on this thread. I warned you. Now you are being reported for:
- failure to be respectful to others
- ranting
- engaging in clearly personal attacks
- trolling
- failing to post constructively
- posting with alternate characters
- Rumor mongering
You are being reported. If you have further issues with me performing translations. send in a support ticket. Thank you. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.03 16:04:00 -
[17] - Quote
Yagihige wrote:[quote=D legendary hero] Thread translated into fio. Fio means this.
Not only did I say I would look into them. I did in fact check those minor errors and most were taken out of context. You try coming home after a hard days work providing for your wife and kids, then translate articles with no commonly accept Portuguese terms and don't make a single mistake without any help.
In case you didn't know "Thread" in English means the exact same thing. In fact Thread in English only recently gained the definition online that it has. If you look in any dictionary that will be the first definition to come up.
Do you even know what the word "transliteration" means? Once you understand that you will begin to understand as many have. "Tua batata 'ta assando"
Look, I've corrected too much of your English which if you are a translator you should be fluent in but it appears you learned it by trolling forums based on your horrid grammar. As you are not paying me to do so, I will stop here.
My goal is to translate articles into standard Portuguese, transliterate unfamiliar terms into Portuguese and help the Portuguese community grow. This was all outlined in the Community spotlight. You were warned. I have reported you and will report any future posts by you about CCP,CCP Eterne or me on this subject. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.03 16:17:00 -
[18] - Quote
Yagihige wrote:D legendary hero wrote:
posting with alternate characters
Lol seriously? (lol is not English. Laughing out loud is a sentence fragment. This question is too sort. this paragraph is too short.)You're delusional. It's no wonder you think those these errors are just "misquotations" or editing and proof reading. If you can't see how these examples are a disgrace and a complete butchering of Portuguese language in any part of the world, all hope is lost reasoning with you. And to think* some people say that i should offer help or shut up. I just offered a huge list of examples that are fundamentally wrong and you dismiss them. (A sentence never begins with 'And'. Paragraph too short.)Btw my favorite piece of translation from you is this: Thread translated into fio.[/s] (this entire sentence is structurally unsound. This is a footnote and should be appended as one.) Footnote: My favorite sample of your translation work is your translation of thread[b] as [b]fio. Go to the following link to see a picture of actual thread or yarn. Fio is thread or yarn in Portuguese. [url=https://www.naturaljoias.com.br/images/fios_cordes_e_correntes/sisal_rami_seda/FIO%20RAMI%202.jpg] |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.04 02:03:00 -
[19] - Quote
N+úo sei porque voc+¬s seguem tormentando-me. Voc+¬s acham que o portugu+¬s brasileiro +¬ exatamente igual que o portugues continental. N+úo +¬, e eu conhe+ºo muitos brasileiros os quem concordariam conmigo. Acha que pode lan+ºar mais que 40 milh+¦es de Africanos numa terra, mixturar eles com os nativos, for+ºar-os a falar a sua idioma e escravizar-os com nenhuma consequencia? Acha voc+¬ razonav+¬l que Africanos e nativos do Brasil com suas proprias lenguas e costumbres n+úo aditaria nenhuma coisa ao idioma?
Eu acho a sua ignor+óncia detest+ível. Voc+¬ tem de educar-se e crescer o seu vocabulario, pois obviamente cara, voc+¬ n+úo esta conhecido com o vocabulario Brasileiro. Educa-te.
A gramatica inteira +¬ igual, mas as prefer+¬ncias de cada um (seja de portugual mesmo ou seja de Brasil) muda. Bom, uma coisa o que +¬ fato +¬ que nos sabemos que estamos a perder tempo se ficarmos falando assim. Ent+úo vou concluir aqui. Muito obrigadinho pela conversa+º+úo. |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.06 07:08:00 -
[20] - Quote
Nova maneira ganhar pontos no 1,5

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.15 02:29:00 -
[21] - Quote
Introducing Dust Charts |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.15 02:42:00 -
[22] - Quote
can i have my sticky back? |

D legendary hero
Posted - 2013.10.16 17:15:00 -
[23] - Quote
BIRDANDY wrote:Ola sou ceo da Dust Brasil S.A uma corpora+º+úo que esta reunindo todos os jogadores brasileiros no universo da DUST 514 tive o praser de conhecer o legendary hero um cara muito humilde ja jogou em nosso squad e vejo o empenho que ele tem em aprender portugu+¬s parab+¬ns pelo trabalho legendary !!
Muito obrigandao irmao. Sou um servo da comunidade. |

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2013.10.31 03:27:00 -
[24] - Quote
Notas da modifica+º+úo 1,6
D Legendary Hero, Defender of the downtrodden.
Let those tainted by evil beware... soon they will discover Justice

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2013.11.08 00:08:00 -
[25] - Quote
Sinto vindicado pelas boas palavras da comunidade Brasileira. Obrigadao. Quando for mais postos dev, vou traduzir. Fico estudando e melhorando como eu escrevo. A qualidade das traducoes ficarao melhorando.
D Legendary Hero, Defender of the downtrodden.
Let those tainted by evil beware... soon they will discover Justice

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2013.11.15 00:02:00 -
[26] - Quote
Artigo que descreve o porque a ametralhadora pesada e tao fraca
Aquele artigo destaca que nas al+ºas-de-mira da HMG (ametralhadora pesada) guia todas as balas da HMG pelo punto no centro da al+ºa-de-mira. Dai, embora que as miras do HMG tenham um esferico e um ponto no centro dele como as alcas-de-mira, sozinho as balas as que passam do ponto no centro chegam ao objetivo (alvo).
No passado muitos acharamo que o HMG foi mau por causa de ter dispersao demais, mas este video prova o contraio. Disfrutem!
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubadosPronto saberá justiça
I am a Defender of the downtroddenSoon you will discover justice

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2013.11.22 19:00:00 -
[27] - Quote
atualizacoes sobre o que vai passar no versao 1.7
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubadosPronto saberá justiça
I am a Defender of the downtroddenSoon you will discover justice

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.01.24 17:44:00 -
[28] - Quote
atualiza+º+¦es sobre o que vai passar no lan+ºamento 1.8
Em noticia relatado vao aumentar o alcan+ºar do Lazer rifle (fuzil de Raio). O CCP Remant falou que v+úo reparar o Lazer rifle e implementar os cambios a ele no lan+ºamento 1.8. https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1730275#post1730275 https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=136320&p=4
finalmente, o 1.8 se lan+ºar+í entro o meio do feveiro e maio. https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=1726673#post1726673
Se precisam mais informa+º+úo avisa-me.
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubadosPronto saberá justiça
I am a Defender of the downtroddenSoon you will discover justice

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.02.27 17:27:00 -
[29] - Quote
O CCP Logibro confirmou que o Fuzil Lazer (lazer rifle) vai ficar ajustado n 1.8. Vai requer menos tempo pra carregar ao seu dano maximo. Vai fazer mais dano na distancia perta.
Tambem, confirmaram que o CR (fuzil combate), RR (fuzil rail) e outras armas de assaulto receberao um nerf (decremento em eficiencia) no 1.8.
Quando eu tiver mais dados vou informar voces. obrigado pela paciencia.
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.02.27 17:35:00 -
[30] - Quote
Fox Gaden wrote:If you like translating stuff, feel free to translate any of my guides and repost them in the appropriate language forum. Be sure to reference me as the author and include a link to the original English version. That goes for any multilingual person who wants to do this actually. Fox Guide: Getting Started, Your First Steps in DUSTFox Guide: DUST Economics 101, Not going BrokeFox Guide: Frontline, A Medium Frame Infantry Users ManualFox Guide: Sniping, The Role of the SniperFox Guide: Marksman, Taking Sniper to the next levelFox Guide: Swarm Launcher, Unleashing the SwarmFox Guide: SMG, Unlocking VersatilityFox Guide: Remote Explosives, Unleash the Mad BomberFox Guide: Battlefield Roles (A Glossary of terms)Fox Guide: Squad Lead, Stepping up to CommandFox Guide: HMG Heavy, The Mighty Minmatar Minigun & the Titans That Carry Them
Thanks. it'll take some time but Ill get working on them. most of the people i know in the portuguese speaking sector are experts by now. (buninhosilva one of the top ten players in the game, birdandy ceo of Dust Brasil) but Im sure some people could definantely use the guides.
Have they been translated in Spanish?
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.02.27 18:10:00 -
[31] - Quote
Fox Gaden wrote:No, they are not available in Spanish either. I was going to ask an Argentinian in my Corp about that, but I think he stopped playing.
After posting each guide I do a lot of editing afterward to incorporate feedback from the community. You may find getting community feedback may help the translation as well. Be open to it. That is also why I ask that a link to the English version be included, so that any English speakers in your language community can double check anything that does not quite sound right and then provide contextual suggestions for making it clearer.
Ok. i will do my best to translate them in both spaish and portuguese. The spanish i will post in the spanish forums and the portuguese here. The link to the English articles will be present as well. Ill try to have one up by next week. If i have any questions ill make sure to let you know. 
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.03.18 17:34:00 -
[32] - Quote
notas da atualizacao 1.8
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.03.18 17:36:00 -
[33] - Quote
quando eu regressar de trabalho vou acabar com a traducao.
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.04.24 17:34:00 -
[34] - Quote
se tiverem perguntas eu posso traduzir e expor.
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça

D legendary hero
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.05.09 04:04:00 -
[35] - Quote
vou fazer uma mais servico pra comunidade brasileira e os demais quem falam o portugues. Pois, o CCP nao vao usar mais recursos no jogo de DUST514 entao, nem o isk, nem tuas pontas de habilidade dao pra nada. Entao, agora e melhor focar tee tempo livre em outros esforcos porque CCP so vao fazer uma mais atualizacao. Quando eles fizerem isto, eu tradizrei.
Sou o Defendeiro dos derrubados_Pronto saberá justiça