Nguruthos IX wrote:bolsh lee wrote:Hellkeizer wrote:Nguruthos IX wrote:the few who currently play, and who are complaining then who cares? We flush them out.
CCP won't cater to 1000 'hardcore' players over, lets say 5000 if they joined and stuck around because of aim assist.
Whether aim assist needs adjusted higher, lower, changed in it's methods or what have you is superfluous detail. If more players like it than not, and it is the standard set by every other AAA shooter than you can be sure it will be staying and iterated on.
Not to mention that those vets mostly came from EVE who played with KB/M more and CCP must gain the audience of those who on PS3 who play with DS3. Once/if dust is on computer then they can focus on both playing methods.
Hopefully that logic works out for CCP, I agree they need to attract more console players (But they need to do it with out losing the vets) will those console players invest the time and money us vets have..?
CCP Has/Had us vets and a lot of us were paying on a monthly if not weekly basis, hopefully this new blood you speak of can muster up $5 off their mom and dads visa...
Vets won't be going anywhere.
You're already MMO riddled addicts. Any threat of leaving is empty, or at best temporary as everyone here knows.
Besides, people playing this game right now are not playing because it's good. They're playing because they believe it might be good in 6+ months or epic after a year or so. A little thing like aim assist won't be ruining their vision for Dust. Especially when you factor in every other game that uses AA to perhaps even greater degrees. Where was that lovely list somebody made linking youtube videos to Halo, Battle Front, CoD, etc.
So true. Just the other day I told myself I was going to quit. Wouldn't you know it, I woke up this morning and turned on the PS3... I can't quit. I still have hope, and the potential is still looming in the near future. I know where Eve started, and where it is today. I'd feel like **** if Dust does the same, I just hope it doesn't take 8 years like Eve, LOL!

As a Masshole, I don't really get the benefit of AA, but I sure did die a lot more at first release. But lately, I've been adjusting, making sure I'm exposed much less, and doing much better. Only lopsided teams bring me more then 3 deaths now.
Most of the AA whiners fail to mention the drastically improved hit detection. AA aside, the fact that the bullets actually register hits now is what kills you the quickest. My SMG has actually killed a few softened heavies lately.

Before it was definitely a futile exchange...