Doc DDD wrote:Good to know you read all the posts, I must have said a few things that hit close to home to keep you reading. I enjoy stating facts regarding your playstyle. Yes all your many many friends playing this game must make it enjoyable for you to now move from justification attempts to the final stage of 'tear collection'... I am typing this for you to read arirana, and you are, I dont think I need to sway anyones opinion, you can have that task... anyone else reading can make their own decisions about what they want to think of someone that relentlessly exploits a glitch.. keep mashing l3 and r3 and collect your tears on the forums, while I laugh at you and your posts and remind you that cheating is pathetic. Quick arirana, now that you read this write again about how all your 'friends' in the game support you in your emotional time of need.. how you dine on the tears of those who choose not to cheat.. show us how eloquently you circumvent logic by continually changing your story and stance on cheating. My stance has been the same since day one. You exploit a glitch more than anyone else and confuse it for skill. That is pathetic. Fact.
Remind me again when I changed my stance. Pretty sure my stance has been the same: I don't give a ****. I'm here to tease you, not appease you. I'll stick around so you think you can finally get a rant from me proving that your efforts were not in vain and you successfully caused me social discomfort. I think we both know that "I'm here to remind you that what you did was pathetic." isn't really a reason now is it? I don't think you would have given two ***** if I never used the melee exploit against you. Would you been on your holy quest to attack me on the forums if you hadn't been a victim? No, because this isn't to show me how pathetic exploiting is. Its to make you feel better. And really, when I tell you repeatedly that using the exploit doesn't make me skilled, you go ahead and still believe I think that I'm good cause I exploit lol? "I'm the best at utilizing the melee exploit" when I said that, the meaning I was aiming for was that one of the traits of utilizing the melee exploit is to dedicate yourself to it. (Thats all oppinion btw, I don't spread my 2 cents as the word of science like you do :p) IMO I am the best at utilizing the melee glitch simply because I've had the most success with it. In that sense, thats what I think I am best at. "The best at" does not = "Have the most skill" Here's another band aid. You must have alot of butthurt