So, a couple of known issues regarding the latest update that we're either looking into or working on a fix for:
MatchmakingWe're aware of the issues surrounding queue times, half filled matches and preferences for match types. We're looking to improve both over the next two days and we're looking at 48-72 hours for the changes to go live on TQ.
Update 2013-09-04:Good news everyone! A fix has been staged for deployment today that should fix issues with partly filled battles, abnormally long queues, not matching into selected game types and improve network latency.
UPDATE: This fix was deployed today. Please continue to give feedback.
Faction Warfare BattlesWe're aware of connection issues regarding faction warfare. Some fixes were deployed on 2013-09-04, but more are coming later this week.
Only part of squad joins battlesWe're aware of the issue and we're working on a fix. Hoping to have this fixed within this week.
Domination on Ashland Null CannonWe're aware of the issues on Ashland on Domination where the null cannon is blocked, and as such is unable to attack either MCC, drawing out the match for a very long time. We're looking to have a fix out ASAP, likely downtime tomorrow (2013-09-04). We'll update when we have confirmed a fix.
UPDATE: This map has been pulled from rotation during downtime 2103-09-04 and will be returned once a fix is in place.
Shotgun hit issuesWe're looking into it, but it's early testing days internally still. Will update as we get a chance to test, please keep sending in videos with the time that the incident occurred.
UPDATE: This is going to be fixed during downtime 2013-09-05.
RDVs dropping vehicles from large heightsWe're aware of the issue, still determining the cause.
UPDATE: This is going to be fixed during downtime 2013-09-05.
HAV player tags are offset few meters up and to the right of the vehicleWe're aware of the issue, and are actively looking into it.
Dropship camera issuesWe're aware of the issue, and are actively looking into fixing it.
Thanks for your understanding, we will update this post when we have any new information regarding these issues. If you are having further issues, please leave details in this thread. Non issue related feedback should go in
this thread.