Briscoe and Boris Enterprises LEX LEGIONEM
Posted - 2013.09.01 11:04:00 -
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o/ all from AlphaJammer, i have been studying the dust 514 forums since open beta, and now have some time to write up some posts.
I came up with a new corporations mode for Dust, It works a lot like planetside 2, only thing is you have to actively and successfully: find, deploy, hack/secure, defend, plant instillations if none are not there already, and extract resources from the planet. The map is going to have to be much bigger though than current pub matches, maybe even bigger than the 5km maps we currently got. Anyways i will go through the details of the steps.
The battles will take place in lowsec, and when or if nullsec battles get added as well (i hope they do )
Each district will have 1-3 maps open at one time perhaps, with the current District holder getting financial and combat advantages(more details farther down) to that map, and if that holder holds all the districts on the planet, they get a special planetary bonus.
Each battle will randomly spawn and last 12 hours, even if nobody is fighting on it, it will still be there for invaders
The resources that are to be extracted should be of a new kind of PI (planetary interaction, for all none-eve players) shouldn't be what is currently extracted, as this would flood the market, and make eve players less interested in the already boring and slow profession of PI (unless you do it in a WH, now that's some fun stuff from what I hear, or have a lot of alts)
This game mode will be different from pub and merc matches b/c it will require more patrolling, strategic positioning, and spotting to protect your borders, and keeping the high ground; thus requiring you to be more actively on guard and making longer ranged weaponry and vehicles a must for transport considering map size, same goes for attackers, requiring speed, decisiveness, and strategy to get from point to point in the shortest most well covered way possible. But don't worry the game mode will have its moments of awesome pub match arena brawl.
Eve players can actively help with this, i honestly don't believe there should be a WP requirement for OB's, this would force more interaction with eve players, and would help out teams that are newer and less experienced, but have a lot of eve ties Vs. a Veteran team with less and make for some small scale fleet battles. Although one of the instilations will be able to target and take out Eve ships, at the expense of a cooldown and a certain type of rescource to fire, more on this below.
Hackible resource hardpoints do not appear above the minimmap until a dust merc from that expedition hacks it, these points will go from A-Z to 0-50, though this could be a problem for that corner, so i would recommend some kind of menu for this.
Step 1: Finding a Planetary Expedition Field (PE) Players can actively find these in the corporations tab, and when we can have groups of squads, in the merc tab as well, you then have to choose a method of deployment, if they don't have one in their assets, then they have to buy one.
Step 2: Deployment Methods I currently have thought of 3 different methods of delivery, with them being in the 3 price tiers of, cheap, moderate, and expensive (im horrible with names so post in comments for ideas for what you think they should be called). Some of these will provide special advantages others don't, with deployment you also get a satellite that drops off vehicles, instilations, and upgrades and restocks to certain things, as well as what extracts the resources.
Small cheap rocket Pod: Can carry up to 1 HAV, or 2 Mav's/ 2 dropships/, or 4 LAV's for instance, and with different combos, for example: 1 dropship and 2 Lavs, and etc. the pod comes with a small clone bay of maybe 15 to 20 clones, and can carry a 6 man team down at once with no consumption of clones from the bay Price 5-7.5 mil. This small sleek pod is cheap and hard to detect by orbital gun instillations, perfect for setting up a small expedition that could be the beachhead for a larger one.
Shuttle: can carry up to 4 HAV's on initial deployment, and the respective proportions of other vehicles as well, can carry up to three squads at once, has a clonebay of 70-90 clones, priced at around 35-45mil. A shuttle made with no tritanium, making it capable of going into orbit, but the process to make much more pricy, it has good carry weight, but with the design coming from space, it can be a little less aerodynamic than other models, and more vulnerable to anti-orbital guns...
MCC: can be loaded with the max number of clones PC battles allow at the cost of having less proportions for vehicles at certain proportion's over 200 clones, along with deployment of 8 Hav's and the respective proportions, and can launch with 8 squads at once, priced at 150 mil. Classic MCC, it is slow, and is quite easy for Anti-Orbital guns to lock, but is quite tough, comes with a standard MCC missle, and gives special advantages to satellite efficiency, and OB strike locking, and can be moved by the players.
Just a few ideas, post in comments for more ideas on what you think there should be or how they should be.
Step 3: Hack/Secure Once you are on the field, you have to obtain points to gain resources, as well as defensive points that can be MCU's or Supply Depots, Turrets; perhaps even points that can act as observation towers that give you 3rd person camera drones at a fixed point for better observation, or supply beacons that can dramatically help out the satellite process overall, or specific beacons for specific satellite abilities, such as a extraction beacon. When PVE(player vs. envirement) is added, i think there should be a random chance for rouge drones to beon guard, these bases will have more in them already, but are of course guarded, same for when other rats get added(rats being a eve term for NPC pirates, rouge drones being one of the many)
Continued |

Briscoe and Boris Enterprises LEX LEGIONEM
Posted - 2013.09.01 11:51:00 -
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Step 4: Defense Defense will be about being able to get to your points and defending them, as well as patrolling and keeping invaders out, and observing for them; not letting your guard down, more on defensive instilations in the next step.
Step 5: Planting instillations and instillation types Each harvester point hack you get should give your base X PG and y CPU depending on what resource it extracts Current instilations i got in my head right now:
CRU: standard clone reanimation units, serves as a hackable spawpoint, destructible, pretty cheap and quick to deploy, 10 mil to deploy with a good speedy time. There could be a more pricy tech 2 version, that cant be hacked by attackers, but can be destroyed
Supply Depot: standard pub match one, quicker deployment than CRU, slightly cheaper at 5-7.5 mil
Turret: standard pub match turret, quicker deployment than supply depot, 1-2 mil, you can choose what kind you want
Observation Point: Gives a rotatable 360 degree view around the fixed point above the tower, can be hacked/destroyed by hostiles, takes a little while to drop, costs 15 mil
Satellite beacon: increases satellite drop efficiency overall by X%, takes a little while to drop, 25-30 mil. High Cost for CPU
Base CPU/PG enhancers: self explanatory, takes a while to drop, give X% of PG and X% of CPU, costs 20-25 mil.
Anti-Orbital Landing tower: shoots down invasive other players, can be set to not shoot at certain groups of players, hackible/destructible, high cost for PG, lont time to drop, costs 45-50 mil.
Post comments on what you think about these.
Step 6: Extraction Resources when harvested, will be picked up periodically by your satellite, but choosing when you want to leave and how you want to is in this step. You can choose to blow up all of everything when you leave, useful for if your getting overrun amd don't want the enemy to have anything, or you can load up as much as you can into your deployment ride(s) for no taxes from concord/players that own the planet and leave your instillations intact, or just blow em up, more on this below, and once your last deployment ride is out of orbit, the expedition is over.
The sateilite that helps you is from Concord btw, it charges a tax for resource extraction, and for speed delivery for things, such as instilations or vehicles
What options/bonuses PC district owners get: 1 free MCC for use on one of the fields every 24 hours The ability to add a tax to those they will allow on the planet as well as resource extractor bonus the PC owner can choose to give, those who come without this don't get the bonus, and have a increased signature radius coming down, making them way easier to spot even easier, Post in the comments for ideas PC owners also have the choice of shutting down expiditions completely, but then cant do them themselves, this is for those that want absolute dominance over a planet/district.
Also when you pull up the map, any player controlled territory you have stepped will appear and show that discovered area as a octagon, the map will be composed of these octagons, with resource nodes controlling them, with different size resource nodes controlling different amounts of territory, showing who owns what.
Though this may seem a little unoriginal, this is what this game needs for PC to be of interest than to any one other than the top 1% of dust players, aloowing corps big and small to particitpate, it wont bring in as much PC does steadily, but will have better salvage than PC battle, and for the chance for Extractors to hit a rare vein, pack full of juicy material, that could be worth what PC on that planet makes in a day...
Please post on what you think should be changed/modified, or added or whatever
Fly safe 07 Sincerely, Alphajammer |