Italian dude 93 wrote:Mercs do a lot more then just fight wars they also do security work and protection work. Like guarding property and protecting V.I.P'S.
Here are some of my ideas.
1: EVE and Dust links for new maps or game play so that Mercs can operate onboard EVE ships(paraphrase) Great call. Anything we can use to generate EVE linkages is probably helpful. Essentially you are proposing a couple indoor (shipboard) maps where you duke it out with PVE pirates or another Merc squad hitting a ship. Sounds like a pretty solid idea, the mechanics of tieing it to EVE would have to work like something out of PC so that there is a known time for the fight. I think you would need to have a significant positive incentive for the EVE pilot to essentially offer his/her ship as our playground and something where it would hurt if they lost...could give incentives to pick the best Mercs and we set prices.
2: MCC Uprades stuff...(paraphrase).I'm all on board with this except for the "matter ray" stuff. I think RDVs are fine but the idea you need to higer EVE pilots for PC is spot on.
3: The ability to go prone.
Should have been in the beta...
4: MCC fitting, MCC's will be able to hold 10 tanks 10 dropships 10 lav's 2 installation's 2 supply depots and 1 CRU, 1 matter ray I explained what the matter ray is in 2:. A armory this will have to be stocked before the battle.
I like this for PC matches only. Recommend the number of items the MCC can hold is dependant on the kind of ship the EVE pilot can supply. Gives Mercs the incentive to find the right Pilots and they can set the price much like we can in item #1.
5: Anti-Personnel mines we have Proximity mines that do damage to vehicles but no mines that work against infantry.
Not bad...i think the remote explosives are a better idea. I don't like the area of turning swaths of the environment a minefield unless you can a) find the mines and b) reliably defuse or detonate them without getting killed.
6: A grenade that is anti-armor only.
Pretty sure that's what the AV grenade is...
7: Different types of ammunition anti-shield ammunition or anti-armor or hybrid that does equal damage to both.
I think if you did this for mass drivers and swarms that would actually be a great upgrade to deepen the game. For anything else it detracts from the reason for other types of weapons such as AR, SCR, ect..
8: Seriously how about putting East, West, South, North West, North East, etc on the compass.
hell yes...I would even go one further and have a rudimentary grid system on the tactical map that you can call out "sniper, grid A3" or "put orbital on two tanks at C1".
9: Artillery tanks.
Not in favor of this...or at least I'm not sure about this one. I don't dislike the idea but having mini-orbitals would probably break the game. Not a killer need for the game to be better, particularly on the size of maps and # of players in a match.
10: IFV think Bradley, hopefully this is what the MAV will be.
Not bad. Don't think it's particularly needed though. The easier way is just make a personnel carrier variant of the existing LAVs. Load 4x guys in the back but no weapon system.
11: Make proto L.A.V. and proto H.A.V. hover instead of using tracks and wheels and tires. It's proto it should be OP.
12: Mortars.
Not requried. See #9
13: Drop ships can drop mini orbitals.
14: The new salvage system, the salvage you get will be from the people you kill. But you will need to repair it so you will need to skill into work benches a standard work bench will repair standard gear an advanced work bench will repair advanced gear and a proto work bench will repair proto gear and this work bench will be in your apartment.
Only after they get the abililty to sell/trade your inventory to other Dust players AND have EVE guys manufacture or trade our inventory should they even remotely consider this.
15: My vehicle lock system, only the owner can do this to lock a vehicle hold down R2 just like the squad commands and either select lock or unlock then aim at the vehicle and press R1.
Sounds good. My tanker brothers rage after getting jacked by blueberries...
16: Drop ships can be fitted with gravity turrets that can pull in a squad mate into the drop ship for quick extractions.
that would be a really nice feature....not sure how hard it is to implement but would make Dropship work that much more critical. Very good idea.
17: A tool that repairs shields.
Shields rep sayeth the skill tree.
18: Cloak device for equipment slot.