Shadow Company HQ
Posted - 2013.08.23 18:35:00 -
[1] - Quote
excillon wrote:Iron Wolf Saber wrote:excillon wrote:No scope modules?! No armory?!
I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but when are these coming?! I admit I kind of got my hopes up on these being included.
Also, exactly was done to the murder taxi? We have to go back and fix the core a bit, thus quite a few set backs, sorry about that. And that involved bending the laws of physics and taking away murder taxi's? Not fair. If you'd have buffed swarms like you did, and left murder taxi's alone, that would have been fair to both sides. But now, what's the point in even pulling out my LAV's? I can't use them unless I have a gunner, so if I'm not in squad they're useless, if I end up where I'm the only one driving my LAV, I have no way to kill anyone except stop, get out, and shoot someone. And if they're in a group, that's even worse. Overall, most of the patch stuff is good, or I don't care about it. But the murder taxi take away is bogus and you know it. It's not even something I do all the time, but it's a part of combat and if people don't like it, stay out of the open. You just took away one more combat option that made this game unique from other FPS.
I think you already nullified your own argument in your statement. You said that this game is a FPS and if I am not mistaken that means First Person SHOOTER, at what point in any FPS game does running someone over become a viable method of combat?? I came from BF3 where the vehicles were free and there wasn't a rampant murder taxi issue, do you know why that is? Because people use light vehicles for transport so they can reach their enemies faster where, upon reaching said destination, they should then exit the light vehicle and proceed to, wait for it, SHOOT people! Imagine that! Shooting people in a FPS game, who'd have thunk it??
If anyone has to rely on murder taxiing to pad their KDR or score then they are clearly a douchebag and should not be allowed to play a FPS game. Furthermore, they should be sterilized so they cannot contaminate the rest of the gene pool with their stupidity.
Don't get me wrong, if I am driving from point A to point B and I happen to see some dude running across the road in front of me then yes I will run him over but I would never and have never called in a LAV for the purpose of running people over. Use the LAV as it was meant to used, as a transport vehicle to get you from A to B quicker than if you went on foot. If you want to run people over constantly please delete Dust from your HDD and buy GTA.